No. 318.
Mr. Beardsley to Mr. Fish.
Cairo, Egypt, September 29, 1875. (Received November 8.)
Sir: The military movements on the frontiers of Abyssinia have of late excited considerable interest in Egypt, and have been the subject of comment in some of the European journals.
The permanent occupation of the province of Bogos by the Egyptian government three years ago, as reported in my dispatches numbered 9 and 19, of the 1st of August and the 16th of October, 1872, and the acquisition of Zeilah, on the Red Sea, in July last, as reported in my dispatch No. 337, of the 17th July, 1875, appears to have aroused Prince John, King of Abyssinia, to offensive operations, and to have awakened in him the same ambitious dream of territorial conquest which inspired King Theodore and contributed to his final destruction.
During the past summer Prince John has occupied himself in gathering his forces near the northern frontier of Abyssinia. Early in August he crossed the frontier of Abyssinia proper and entered the province of Hamasen. Hamaseii was ruled by a petty prince, semi-independent, who, at the approach of King John, fled to Mossowah, and claimed the protection of the Egyptian government. A Swedish Christian mission, long established in the interior, also fled to Massowah for protection.
The King’s forces pitched their camp at a distance of eight hours’ march north of the Abyssinian frontier and sixteen hours march from Massowah, where at latest information they were still encamped. Their number is said to be 30,000, but a considerable part of their number is probably composed of camp-followers, a prominent feature of all Abyssinian and Central African armies. They are commanded by an Englishman of the name of Kirkham, who remained in Abyssinia after the departure of the English army. His official relations with the King of Abyssinia are mentioned in my dispatch No. 19, above referred to. The general object of this warlike expedition appears to be, aside from plunder, to reconquer the province of Hamasen, as well as Bogas, if possible, and to extend the frontier of Abyssinia to the sea.
At the approach of the Abyssinian forces the Egyptian frontier was defended by but a small contingent of men, and considerable apprehension was entertained for the safety of Massowah.
The military department of Massowah is under the command of Munsinger Pacha, who has lived in that neighborhood for many years. He is a Swiss, and filled the post at one time of English vice-consul at Massowah. Later he entered the Egyptian service, and for several years was governor of that province. Several battalions of troops have been sent from Suez to re-enforce Munsinger on the frontier, and an Egyptian frigate has been dispatched to Massowah.
Colonel Long, an American officer, and Colonel Arendruple, a Swede, have been sent to the scene of action to co-operate with Munsinger. Colonel Long left Suez about ten days ago with a contingent of troops and with sealed orders.
Munsinger has received orders to communicate with King John by letter, requesting him to withdraw immediately into his own territory. [Page 595] In default of a favorable answer from the King, Munsinger is ordered to attack the Abyssinian forces at once and drive them beyond the southern borders of the province of Hamasen, but to proceed no further.
Advices from Massowah are now looked for with interest.
I am, &c.,