No. 305.
Mr. Maynard to Mr. Fish.
Constantinople, May 30, 1876. (Received June 22.)
Sir: I have the honor to communicate as an addition, if not a corollary, to my dispatches No. 66, dated May 12, 1876, and No. 67, dated May 20, 1876, a capital change in the government of the Sublime Porte.
Early this morning it was announced by public criers and salvos of [Page 569] artillery that His Imperial Majesty the Sultan Abdul-Aziz had been dethroned and Murad Effendi proclaimed Emperor of Turkey.
So quietly had the change been wrought during the hours when men slept that the announcement was a very general and complete surprise. There has been little excitement beyond what so startling intelligence would occasion; no disturbance whatever. Many are evidently gratified; none appear to be angry.
During the morning an Ottoman official from the council of ministers called at the legation, and, in a few prearranged words, informed me that His Majesty the Sultan Murad the Fifth had ascended the throne of Turkey. I inclose a copy of the official dispatch sent from the Sublime Porte to the several diplomatic representatives.
The transfer of power and allegiance appears to be fully established; the new monarch reigns de facto and I suppose dejure. * * * *
I have, &c.,