No. 233.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Moran.
Washington, February 15, 1876.
Sir: Your dispatch No. 53, under date of January 5 ultimo, has been received. It informs the Department of the transmission by you to Mr. Corvo, the minister for foreign affairs at Lisbon, of a copy of the President’s last annual message to Congress, and incloses a translation of a [Page 434] note received from Mr. Corvo, acknowledging its receipt, and also a copy of your note in reply thereto.
The expression of the deep sense of appreciation of the Portuguese government, contained in Mr. Corvo’s note, of the President’s recognition in his message of the Portuguese act of emancipation of April 29, 1875, has been received with satisfaction by the President, and he directs me to express the gratification that will attend the actual emancipation of slavery in the Portuguese colonies as provided by the act in question.
Your note to Mr. Corvo upon the subject meets with the approval of the Department.
I am, &c.,