No. 231.
Mr. Gibbs
to Mr. Fish.
Lima, Peru, August 26, 1876. (Received September 21.)
Sir: On the 22d and 23d instant the debate over the vote of censure on the ministers of justice and interior was carried on in the senate and terminated on the evening of the 23d. The vote to censure Dr. Arenas was carried by a large majority; on Dr. Bonavisdes by a smaller one.
On the 24th those two gentlemen resigned; their resignation was followed [Page 432] by that of the other members of the cabinet. General Prado would not accept their resignations. To-day the two first named insisted on resigning, and their resignations were finally accepted.
Dr. Teodore La Rosa was named, in place of Dr. Arenas, chief of cabinet, and he named Col. Manuel G. de la Cotera as minister of government for the interior. The appointment of these two persons seems to be satisfactory to all.
On the 22d, 23d, and 24th great fears were entertained of a revolution; the streets were patrolled by cavalry and infantry; the barracks were filled with soldiers; but everything remained quiet, and apparently will remain so.
I am, &c.,