No. 210.
Mr. Foster to Mr. Fish.

No. 389.]

Sir: I have received a note from the acting minister of foreign affairs, dated the 29th ultimo, of which I inclose a copy, in which he informs me that his government has decided upon the removal of the Indians now in the State of Chihuahua, from the Rio Grande border to Mapimi, a point distant from the frontier, where they may be better guarded.

Regarding this action as highly conducive to the peace of that frontier, in acknowledging the receipt of Mr. Arias’ note, I took occasion to tender to his government thanks for its resolution.

I am, sir, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 389.—Translation.]

Mr. Arias to Mr. Foster.

Sir: Referring to the note of Mr. Richardson, secretary of your legation, dated the 27th of last December, I have the pleasure of inclosing to your excellency the copy of a communication which I have just received from the department of war and marine, in which you will see that the removal of the Kickapoo Indians from the State of Chihuahua to Mapimi, a point distant from the line of the Bravo, and at which they can be better guarded, without preventing their removal, at an opportune time, to more distant places, has been decided upon.

I gladly improve this opportunity of reiterating to your excellency the sentiments of high appreciation and very distinguished consideration with which I am your excellency’s obedient servant,

[Page 394]
[Inclosure in 1 in No. 389.—Translation.]

department of state, war, and marine—section of state, first—table of military colonies.

In answer to your communication of the 12th of the present month, in which you inclose one addressed to you by the governor of the State of Chihuahua, who states that Mr. Edgar, commissioner for Indian affairs of the United States of America, wishes to arrange the removal of the Kickapoo tribe to some point in the interior of the republic, distant from the boundary-line of the Rio Bravo, I make known to you, with the concurrence of the President, that it has been decided that the Indians under consideration be removed to Mapimi, at which point they will be distaut from the line of the Bravo, without detriment to further removal, in order to prevent their committal of depredations on the other side of the said rio.

[Inclosure 2 in No. 389.]

Mr. Foster to Mr. Arias.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your honor’s note of the 29th ultimo, in which you inform me of the resolution of your government to remove the Indians now in the State of Chihuahua, near the frontier of the United States, to Mapimi, a point distant from the Rio Grande border, where they can be better guarded, without prejudicing their removal at a more opportune time to more distant places.

Expressing the hope that nothing may occur to prevent the execution of this resolution, and tendering my thanks in behalf of my Government for this manifestation of the desire of the Mexican government to remove the sources of trouble on the frontier,

I remain, &c.,