No. 201.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish.

No. 441.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a translation of an imperial message, which His Majesty the Emperor transmitted on the 7th instant to Prince Arisugawa no Miya, president of the Genroin. The Emperor expresses the purpose to consider the fundamental laws of all foreign countries with reference to a national constitution for his own empire.

I have, &c.,


message from the emperor to the genroin.

In connection with the national constitution which is now to be established, the fol-Uowing imperjyal message was on the 7th instant delivered to Arisugawa no Miya, president of the Genroin:

“It is our wish to consider extensively the laws of all foreign countries with reference to our national constitution, and thereby to determine our constitutional law. [Page 382] Do you, therefore, prepare a draft for this purpose and submit it to us. We will then make our choice.”

On the following day, the 8th instant, the president made the above known to all the members of the Genioin, and we hear that four of the latter, viz, Hosokawa, Fukuba, Yanagiwara, and Nakojima, were appointed to form a committee of investigation.