No. 18.
Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Fish.

No. 129.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that General Hilarion Daza made a triumphal entry into La Paz, as President of Bolivia, on the 24th instant. The time since his arrival has been devoted to festivities and army-parades.

He has not named his ministers of the government, and no business has had the attention which, in many cases, was greatly needed. It is now announced that the ministry will be formed next week and the government duly inaugurated.

No opposition has been met by President Daza, and, at this writing, all seems quiet and tranquil, with General H. Daza in full and complete possession of the government, as provisional president of the republic. When the cabinet is formed and officially announced, I will at once advise the Department.

I am, &c.,