No. 514.
Mr. Boker
to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
the United States,
St. Petersburg, August 19, 1875. (Received Sept. 7, 1875.)
No. 10.]St. Petersburg, August 19, 1875. (Received Sept. 7, 1875.)
Sir: Referring to Mr. Schuyler’s dispatch, No. 110, of the 3d of May last, on the subject of the act of Congress of March 3, 1875,* relative to immigration, I have the honor to inclose to you a copy and translation of a note from Baron Jomini, in reply to one addressed to Mr. Strémooakhof by Mr. Schuyler, a copy of which was inclosed in his dispatch.
I have also the honor to inform you that a notice was published in the official newspapers, bringing the provisions of the act of Congress to the knowledge of the public.
I am, & c.,
- See Statutes at Large, vol. 18, part 2, page 477.↩