No. 513.
Mr. Boker
to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
the United States,
Petersburg, August 5, 1875.
(Received August 23.)
No. 7.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose to you a copy and
a translation of a note received from the imperial foreign office on the
subject of a meeting of the permanent commission of the statistical
At the request of the government of Hungary, on account of the elections in
that country, the meeting of the statistical congress, which should have
taken place in Pesth this year, has been postponed till 1876.
It has therefore been thought advisable to call an extra meeting of the
permanent commission for the purpose of preparing the work for t le next
session of the congress.
As a considerable number of the members of this commission were in Paris
attending the congress of the geographical sciences, with the consent of the
French government this extra meeting of the permanent commission on
statistics has been fixed for the 11th of August at Paris.
It would be desirable, of course, that all the members of the commission
should be present; but as, owing to the lateness of this announcement, it
would be impossible for Mr. Young, who, I believe, is the American member of
the commission, to reach Paris in time, I have thought it useless to
telegraph to you on the subject.
I am, &c.
[Page 1075]
[Inclosure in No.
Baron Jomini to Mr.
Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Department of
Interior Relations,
Petersburg, July 23, (August 3,) 1875.
No. 6002.]
Mr. Minister: The French embassy has just
informed the ministry of foreign affairs that the meeting of the
statistical congress, which was to take place at Pesth, in 1875, is
postponed till 1876, and that consequently Mr. Semenow, the director of
the Russian statistical committee, and president of the permanent
statistical commission, has proposed to take the opportunity offered by
the session of the congress of geographical sciences to call a meeting
at Paris of the permanent commission, which held its sitting last year
at Stockholm.
The French government having agreed to this proposition, the meeting of
the permanent commission will take place on the 11th of August of the
present year, immediately after the closing of that of the congress of
geographical sciences, which will be opened on the 1st of August next,
and will last ten days.
Mr. Semenow has been informed of this by telegraph, in order that he may
be able to call together the delegates of the different states in good
In bringing the preceding to your knowledge, Mr. Minister, I have the
honor to beg you to be good enough to notify the Government of the
United States of America of the same, and to ask them to make their
necessary dispositions on the subject.
Accept, Mr. Minister, the assurance of my most distinguished