No. 42.
Mr. Reynolds to Mr. Fish.
La Paz, Bolivia, December 24, 1874. (Received Feb. 12, 1875.)
Sir: Since my dispatch of yesterday, (No. 27,) I learn that the soldiery have been guilty of many excesses. The firing on yesterday had ceased at 1 o’clock p.m., and the casualties were not more than three or four in killed, and all from random firing. At 8 o’clock p.m. the firing commenced anew, and it was soon learned that two sections of the soldiery were firing at each other. Although all claimed to be in favor of General Quevedo, yet they, in their drunken condition, did not know what they were doing until two or three men were killed, and then they continued the fighting to avenge the loss of friends.
It is reported this morning that there are over twenty dead and about forty wounded.
The mail has just arrived from Cochabamba, and I am told by several persons that the advices are that there is no revolution in progress in that department; that Quevedo is there, but doing nothing whatever to forward a revolution. If these advices prove true, there must be a counter-revolution here, as the secretary of war and commander of the first battalion, General Daza, is reported in Cochabamba without any opposition whatever. He will doubtless march on this city with his forces in a few days, to re-establish the authority of the government. Several citizens complain this morning of having their houses plundered by the soldiers during the night, and much is dreaded in the near future unless the soldiers are restrained.
The name of General Gregorio Perez is given to-day as the “jefe superior de la fuenza,” or commanding general.
No further official advices from the Bolivian government since my dispatch No. 25.
As I conclude this dispatch the firing has recommenced, and the citizens are running from the streets for shelter. The soldiers seem to be without leaders, and all business is suspended.
I am, &c.,