No. 203.
Mr. Cramer
to Mr. Fish.
Copenhagen, April 2, 1875. (Received April 21.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, in accordance with the coinage law of May 23, 1873, the Danish minister of finance has, by the direction of the King, issued an order, under date of March 24 last, by which the following-named silver, copper, and bronze coins, still in circulation, will, from and after November 1, 1875, be called in and cease to be lawful currency, as well between the state treasury and the public as between man and man, viz: ⅓-rigsbankdaler, or 2–marks pieces; 1–mark, or 16–skillings pieces; 8–skillings pieces; 4–skillings pieces; and 3–skillingspieces, (all of silver;) 2–skillings pieces; 1–skilling pieces; ½-skilling pieces, and ⅕-skillingpieces, (all of copper;) 1–skilling pieces, and J-skilling pieces, (all of bronze.) For Iceland and the Faroe Islands, these coins shall continue to be lawful currency for the period of six months from the date this order shall have been officially published there.
I am, &c.,