No. 193.
Mr. Scruggs to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
the United States,
Bogotá, February 27, 1875.
(Received April 19.)
No. 90.]
Sir: The one hundred and forty-third anniversary of
the birth of Washington occurring on the 22d instant, was duly celebrated at
this legation.
The day was respectfully observed by the Colombian officials, by the foreign
legations and consulates, by resident Americans, and by many private
citizens of the city, who called to pay their respects.
The Colombian Congress, in session at the time, passed a joint resolution of
both houses, in recognition of the occasion, a copy of which, together with
the foreign secretary’s note of transmission, is herewith inclosed.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Sanchez to Mr.
States of Colombia,
Office of the Interior and Foreign
Bogota, February 23,
Mr. Minister: The undersigned, secretary of the
interior and foreign relations of the United States of Colombia, is
pleased to transcribe herewith, for the information of the Hon. Mr.
Scruggs, minister-resident of the United States of America, the
proposition which the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Colombian Union in Congress assembled approved in the session of
yesterday, and which in words is as follows:
“The Congress of the United States of Colombia remember the birthday of
the immortal Washington with the respect and the admiration with which
the virtues of the founder of the North American Republic have inspired
the world.”
It is very pleasing to the undersigned to associate with the vote of
Congress an analogous expression on the part of the executive power, of
which he is the organ, and at the same time to renew to the Hon. Mr.
Scruggs, the assurances of his distinguished personal consideration.
Hon. William L. Scruggs,
Minister-Resident of the United States of America,
[Page 426]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 90.]
Mr. Scruggs to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Bogota, February 24,
Mr. Secretary: The undersigned,
minister-resident of the United States of America, has much pleasure in
acknowledging receipt of your excellency’s very polite note of the 23d
instant, transmitting copy of the joint resolution passed by the Senate
and House of Representatives of Colombia in memory of Washington.
In further reply, the undersigned begs leave to renew the assurances of
his Government to that of Colombia, and to express the hope that the
relations of peace, amity, and good correspondence, at present so
happily subsisting between the two republics, may continue
Renewing to your excellency, and through you to his excellency the
citizen President of the Union, his assurances of high and distinguished
personal consideration, the undersigned has the honor to remain your
excellency’s very obedient servant,
Hon. J. Sanchez,
Secretary of the Interior and Foreign Relations
of the
United States of Colombia, &c.