No. 93.
Mr. Williamson to Mr. Fish.

No. 93.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit you herewith a translated copy of the pronunciamiento or decree of Señor Leiva, in which he assumed the provisional government of Honduras on the 23d of November last. It has been impossible for me to get a copy at an earlier date.

The serious charges it contains against President Arias are corroborated from many quarters, and particularly by Consul C. K. Foil in, of Omoa and Truxillo. Like most Spanish-American documents of its kind, its enunciation of principles is worthy of commendation. If” Señor Leiva, when installed in power, (as he intimates indirectly in paragraph sixth he will,) gives freedom to the press in Honduras, it will be a step far in advance of any of his cotemporary Presidents in Central America.

I have. &c.,


Decree of Señor Leiva.

Ponciano Leiva, citizen of the republic of Honduras, having been called to the presidency of this country by public opinion, expressed in various ways—

Considering the notorious unpopularity and discredit into which the administrations of Mr. Arias has fallen;

That during the eighteen months of his government he has proved himself incapable of maintaining order in the interior or of repelling aggression from abroad, as recent facts have shown, and as is well known to all Central America;

That Mr. Arias, turning his back to the noble and generous principles proclaimed by the past revolution, has established a government which is purely personal and arbitrary;

That the government of Mr. Arias has maintained the dictatorship longer than was necessary, without any reason of public good, and only with the object of imposing hi& election upon the people;

That he has suppressed all liberty, keeping the press muzzled, and restricting the right of suffrage, which are the basis of all republican governments;

That the most sacred civil rights, which existed prior to and are above all legislation, have been violated in all the departments of the republic by order of the government of Mr. Arias, or with his consent;

That the military executions, proscriptions, and arbitrary imprisonments, accompanied by the most inhuman acts, confiscation in all its forms, have been exercised on a large scale in the republic, all in the name of democracy and liberty:

That the anarchy into which Honduras is sunk is the logical consequence of his errors and arbitrary management;

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That it is absolutely necessary to put a stop to so abnormal and violent a state of things, to enable the people to enjoy peace, order, and true liberty;

That public feeling and opinion generally manifest the necessity of a change of administration;

By the right of insurrection, proclaimed and sanctioned by all the enlightened nations of Europe and America, declares—

A new provisional government is inaugurated in the republic of Honduras.
In the mean time, until the cabinet is fully organized, I appoint temporarily to take charge of the departments of foreign relations, government, justice, public instruction, Improvement, and ecclesiastical affairs, the Licenciado Don Adolfo Zuniga, and for those of war and finance, Lieutenant-General Juan Lopez.
The new government will proceed to the organization of all the branches of the public service immediately. Done and signed at Choluteca on the 23d day of the month of November, 1873.