Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 7, 1874

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 7, 1874
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President.
- Foreign Relations.
- List of Papers, with their Subjects.
- Proclamation, etc. (Documents 3–4)
- Correspondence.
Argentine Republic. (Documents 5–8) - Austria-Hungary. (Documents 9–27)
- Barbary States. (Documents 28–40)
- Belgium. (Documents 41–46)
- Brazil. (Documents 47–66)
- Central American States. (Documents 67–129)
- Chili. (Documents 130–133)
- China. (Documents 134–177)
- Colombia. (Documents 178–189)
- Denmark. (Documents 190–200)
- Ecuador. (Documents 201–217)
- France. (Documents 218–243)
- Germany. (Documents 244–279)
- Great Britain. (Documents 280–350)
- Greece. (Documents 351–356)
- Hawaiian Islands. (Document 357)
- Hayti. (Documents 358–389)
- Italy. (Documents 390–399)
- Japan. (Documents 400–446)
- Liberia. (Documents 447–451)
- Mexico. (Documents 452–497)
- Netherlands. (Documents 498–511)
- Peru. (Documents 512–517)
- Portugal. (Documents 518–519)
- Russia. (Documents 520–536)
- Spain. (Documents 537–816)
- Case of the Steamer Virginius and Execution of Citizens of the United
States Captured on Her. (Documents 586–756)
- I. Correspondence with the Legation of the United States at
Madrid. (Documents 586–690)
- II. —Correspondence and Negotiations with the Spanish Legation at
Washington. (Documents 691–717)
- III.—Consular Correspondence. (Documents 718–743)
- IV.—Miscellaneous Correspondence. (Documents 744–756)
- I. Correspondence with the Legation of the United States at
Madrid. (Documents 586–690)
- Sweden and Norway. (Documents 757–761)
- Turkish Empire. (Documents 762–806)
- Ottoman Porte. (Documents 762–783)
- Egypt. (Documents 784–806)
- Ottoman Porte. (Documents 762–783)
- Venezuela. (Documents 807–816)
- Case of the Steamer Virginius and Execution of Citizens of the United
States Captured on Her. (Documents 586–756)
- Alphabetical Index.