No. 710.
Mr. Fish to Admiral Polo de
Washington, December 4, 1873.
Admiral: Referring to my note of the 2d instant to you, respecting delay in executing the engagements on the part of your government, undertaken in the conference protocolized by us on the 29th ultimo, I have now to say that I have received from General Sickles a cable-dispatch, stating that President Castelar has informed him that powers have been sent to you to agree upon the place, day, and hour of the delivery of the Virginius, &c, to the United States. I have, therefore, the honor to state that I am prepared to forthwith execute the agreement respecting the same on the part of the United States, which, by its terms, should have been executed on the 1st instant, but which has been extended until now at the request of Spain.
May I beg you to name an hour to-day when you will be prepared to meet me for that purpose?
I have the honor, &c,