No. 708.
Admiral Polo
de Bernabé to Mr. Fish.
Washington, December 1, 1873.
The undersigned, minister plenipotentiary of Spain, has the honor to address himself to the honorable Secretary of State to tell him he has not as yet received certain instructions from his government at Madrid to arrange with the honorable Secretary of State the details for the fulfillment of the agreement made for the surrender of the steamer Virginius and surviving passengers, &c. The undersigned expects every moment said instructions from his government, and to account for the delay he assigns it to the intervening of a Sunday, on which day there is no meeting of council.
Besides, the undersigned received this afternoon a telegram with such confusion in the cipher that he was obliged to ask for repetition.
The undersigned begs the honorable Secretary of State to extend the time agreed only till the arrival of a telegraphic communication he expects every moment from his government, and gives the honorable Secretary of State a complete assurance that there will not be any delay that can be possibly avoided.
The undersigned avails, &c,