The undersigned, minister plenipotentiary of Spain, has the honor to
inclose to the Hon. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State of the United
States, a literal copy of a telegraphic dispatch which he has
received from the minister of state, with express orders to
communicate it to him.
The undersigned avails himself of this occasion to reiterate to the
honorable Secretary of State the assurance of his most distinguished
Secretary of state,
Madrid, to Spanish minister at
(Received at 1.30 p.m., November 18, 1873.)
I am anxious for you to say to Mr. Fish, and that you should
endeavor to make him understand in the way you may deem most
expedient, all the reasons Spain has for proceeding as she does
in the matter of the Virginius.
We are resolved to abide by the principles of justice, to observe
international law, to punish all those who shall have made
themselves liable to punishment, regardless of their station; to
ask reparation for offenses that may have been done against us,
and in our turn to make due reparation if right and our own
conviction should so advise us. But a knowledge of facts is
necessary to proceed with the tact and judgment required by the
gravity of the case, and the news which reaches the United
States must be confused as that we receive here.
We are informed that a conspiracy has been discovered in Cuba,
which was to have acted in concert with the arrival of the
vessel, which had already, on former occasions, landed supplies
of war and filibustering expeditions, and, on this very
occasion, had not her papers in order. That the declaration of
the captain affirms a new conspiracy directed against the
integrity of our soil in a vessel passing for American, and
covered by a flag of a friendly nation. If, therefore, on the
one hand, such facts as these have come to light, and we, before
making any complaint, await conclusive intelligence, the United
States, on the other hand, if they complain that their flag has
been insulted, that one of their vessels has been captured, that
executions have taken place, and that in these executions treaty
stipulations have been ignored, should wait until everything is
made clear.
The reparations we may have to make, or those we may ask for,
require time and the knowledge of facts. Assure, therefore, the
Government of the United States, in the most positive manner,
that, resolved upon the preservation of the integrity of our
territory and the dignity of our nation, we are also determined
strictly to comply with the principles of international law, the
letter of treaties with all nations, and, consequently, with the
American Republic.