Legation of
the United States,
Constantinople, May 29, 1873.
(Received June 19.)
No. 112.]
Sir Henry Elliot
to Nubar Pasha.
Sir: I have the honor to inform your
excellency that Her Majesty’s government have intimated to me that
they are prepared forthwith to accent the proposed arrangements
respecting the judicial reforms in Egypt, and to sanction the report
of the international commission.
The question which was raised respecting the nationality of the
judges to be named for the new tribunal received the attention that
it deserved from Her Majesty’s government, who concur in the views
of the Khedive as to the importance of avoiding giving any
preponderance to one nationality over another in the selection of
the judges, either in constituting the tribunal or in supplying the
vacancies that may from time to time occur among them.
The point was held to be so essential, not only for the interests of
British litigants, but also to secur the new tribunals from any
suspicion of partiality, that, to prevent any question of the kind
from hereafter arising, Her Majesty’s government have instructed me
to intimate that their final acceptance was dependent upon the
maintenance of this principle.
The intimation which your excellency has given to myself and some of
my colleagues, of the intention of His Highness in this matter, is a
sufficient guarantee of the identity of the views of His Highness
with those of Her Majesty’s government.
In a note from Her Majesty’s government to the French embassador in
London, in July, 1870, it was suggested that when the powers had
intimated their acceptance it should rest with His Highness the
Viceroy to obtain the assent of the Sultan to the proposed reforms,
and with the Sultan to make known to the different powers that they
were sanctioned by him.
Her Majesty’s government adhere to this opinion of the proper course
to follow, and leave the final steps to be taken in the hands of His
I avail, &c.,