No. 461.
Mr. Boker to Mr. Fish.
Constantinople, May 16, 1873. (Received June 5.)
Sir: I have the honor to say that late last evening the following changes were made in the Ottoman ministry: Rachid Pasha, formerly [Page 1118] minister of public works, was appointed minister of foreign affairs; and Ahmet Monkhtar Pasha, formerly governor of Yemen, was appointed to the post left vacant by the elevation of Rachid Pasha.
The change in the ministry of foreign affairs is regarded with satisfaction by all who have business to transact with that department. We may now have hope that many affairs of interest, which have been incubating under the benevolent eyes of Safvet Pasha, may come to something within a reasonable time under the more intelligent and decided treatment of his successor.
I have, &c.,