No. 362.
Mr. Brent to Mr. Fish.

No. 22.]

Sir: I beg to call your attention to the accompanying translation of a letter from General Echenique, addressed to an elector of the republic, and published by the newspaper El Comercio. Its authenticity is undoubted. This is the only event of political importance that has taken place since my last dispatches of November 28, and the revelation of General Echenique’s true position with the government has very considerably contributed to the probabilities of Mr. Pardo’s success.

I am, &c,

Charge d’Affaires ad int.

Politics unmasked.

My Dear Sir: The government, aware of the dangers now threatening us, has determined, with my approbation, to propose as an official candidate Doctor Antonio Arenas, who may he considered as myself. Relinquishing my personal pretensions, and perceiving that this is the only means of securing the triumph of our cause, I sacrifice my name thereto.

* * * * * * *

All the authorities have been ordered by the government to insure the victory of the new candidate, and I rely upon you, without loss of time, to enter into an understanding with the governor of your department, in order to commence your important efforts toward the furtherance of our principles.

* * * * * * *


[Note by the Editors.—The original of fhis letter is in our possession, but we deem it prudent not to publish the name of the person to whom it was addressed, lest he might incur the anger of the government officers.]