No. 347.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, September 14, 1872. (Received September 30.)
Sir: Very few events of importance have occurred during the past fortnight.
The submission of Treviño, Quiroga, Guerra, and Marquez is confirmed. The attitude of Porfirio Diaz is still undecided. A commissioner from him arrived in this city a few days ago, and delivered to President Lerdo a letter from Diaz, in which he offered to accept the situation on condition of the restoration of the insurgents to their former civil offices and military rank, and of the postponement of the presidential election$ which proposal was, of course, declined by Mr. Lerdo. The majority of the former partisans of Mr. Juarez in congress will undoubtedly give in their adhesion to Mr. Lerdo.
The Porfiristas, or partisans of General Diaz, will constitute the opposition, and will endeavor to obtain a postponement of the presidential election, hoping thus to create a better situation for their candidate.
The anniversaries of the battles of Churubusco and Molino del Rey have, as usual, been celebrated with enthusiasm, the President of the republic and his cabinet being present.
I am, &c,