Mr. King to Mr. Seward.
My Dear Governor: I send herewith St. Marie’s sworn statement (as made out by himself) about Surratt’s confession. St. Marie is very anxious to return to America, and give his evidence in person before the Judge Advocate General. He thinks that his life would be in danger among his wild zouave comrades if it became known that he had betrayed Surratt’s secret. He is very desirous, too, to see his old mother, still living in Canada, and in straitened circumstances. It would not be difficult nor expensive to procure his discharge from the zouaves, ship him to Havre, and thence, with the help of the United States consul there, to New York, always providing that his presence and evidence are wanted in Washington.
* * * * * * * * *
Very truly, &c.,
Hon. William H. Seward.