Government of the Canton of Vaud


The state council of the canton of Vaud to the President of the United States of North America.

Mr. President: On hearing of the atrocious crime under which President Lincoln fell, the grand council of the canton of Vaud voted an address to the Congress of the United States and to the citizens of the republic, in expression of its grief at the sad event, and its sentiments of sympathy for the noble cause upheld by the illustrious victim.

In performing the duty of transmitting the resolution of the grand council of this canton, and the address it includes, we fully agree with the sentiments therein expressed.

Accept, Mr. President, the assurance of our high consideration.

In the name of the state council:

  • JOLY, President.
  • CAREY, Chancellor.


the resolution.

The grand council of the canton of Vaud adopts the following resolution:

Article 1. The following address shall be sent to the President of Congress of the United States of North America:

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The grand council of the canton of Vaud to the President of the Congress of Representatives of the United States of North America, in Washington:

Mr. President: The double crime that took the life of the illustrious President of the United States, Mr. Abraham Lincoln, and threatened the days of Secretary Seward, caused an instantaneous movement of horror and indignation among our people and in the midst of our assembly.

We hasten to express to you our sentiments of profound sorrow on account of the event, and to give the Congress and people of the United States a public token of our sympathy for the cause of liberty, defended with so much patriotism, courage, perseverance, and moderation by the noble victim whose loss we deplore with you.

In addressing our republican greetings to you, Mr. President, we avail ourselves of the opportunity to recommend you to the protection of Divine Providence.

Article 2. The state council is charged to transmit this address to its destination.


President of the Grand Council.