Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams
Sir: Major General Sheridan is still at the White House, on the Pamunkey, repairing the waste his corps suffered in the late expedition.
The enemy on the morning of the 25th made a sudden and violent assault upon Fort Steedman, situated on our siege line in front of Petersburg, carried the fort, and turned its guns upon its late possessors. They at the same time attacked Fort Haskell, situated on the same line, vigorously, but were repulsed. By a rapid concentration of forces Fort Steedman was regained, with all its guns, and the former condition of things was fully restored. Our loss is reported by General Grant at eight hundred, that of the enemy at three thousand, killed and wounded, and twenty-seven hundred prisoners.
Independent Union columns are pressing towards Lynchburg—one under Major General Hancock, through the Shenandoah valley, the other under Major General Stoneman, from Nashville, through Knoxville.
Major General Schofield reports that he entered Goldsboro’ on the 21st, and found it evacuated by the enemy. He made important captures of railroad machinery. Major General Sherman had not arrived there on the 21st. The rebel press report a signal victory gained by them over him at Averysboro’ on the 16th, with a loss of four hundred and fifty men on their side, and of three thousand on our side. They report also a victory gained by them over him at Bentonville on the 19th instant. We have no definite news from or about Sherman since he left Fayetteville. But unofficial reports from Newbern, so late as the 21st instant, allude to engagements of Sherman’s left column with the enemy at Averysboro’ and at Bentonville, and the reports state that Sherman’s right column fought a battle and routed the enemy at Mount Olivet, on the Wilming ton railroad, below Goldsboro’, and that the rebels retreated towards Raleigh, and that General Sherman entered Smithfield, which is situate midway between Goldsboro’ and the former place. Perhaps the telegraph will clear up the uncertainty which these somewhat conflicting reports have created.
Nothing definite concerning Mobile has been received.
Continued desertions from the rebel forces indicate a great demoralization in their army at Richmond.
You will find in the public journals an account of the conviction, confession, and execution of Kennedy, one of the incendiaries who went from Canada and set fire to the hotels in New York. It is reasonable to hope that the energy with which justice is being administered will bring to an end the war we have so long suffered from the British colonies on our border. I see that some of the hostile presses in Canada report that Mr. Robert J. Walker has been engaged as an agent of this government in a plot for the annexation of Canada to the United States, and that he contradicts the allegation. Should you find it necessary, you are authorized to say that Mr. Walker’s visit and sojourn in Canada have been without any previous direction from and without even the knowledge of this government. It is not believed here that he has engaged m any proceedings unfriendly to Canada or the British authority existing there. Entirely unreserved and frank communications in regard to Canada exist between Mr. Burnley and this department.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
[Same, mutatis mutandis, to all our principal ministers in Europe.]