Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams
Sir: We learn from our consul at Liverpool that the pirate Shenandoah, having departed on some day unknown from Capetown, in Africa, destroyed eleven unarmed United States merchant vessels on the high seas, and was then received at Melbourne, in Australia.
Doubtlessly the consul has given you the same information. I trust that you have called the attention of Earl Russell to this new aggression of British subjects upon our national rights, which involves nothing less than the issuing of the pirate from one port in the British realm, her entertainment in a provincial British port on her way to the intended scene of her operations, and her reception at another British colonial port after having committed them.
Recent communications between this government and that of her Majesty on the general subject of piratical enterprises carried on from British ports have exhausted the argument of the United States upon the subject.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.