14. Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State0
5664. Pinay in private conversation last evening made following statements regarding return de Gaulle. Problem of Socialists will probably be arranged today and there is a 90 percent chance of it working out satisfactorily. National government parties now have about 300 votes but de Gaulle wants more impressive number to make it clear majority French desire his return.
Investiture will probably take place Monday or Tuesday. Shortly thereafter de Gaulle expects to leave for Algeria to get situation there under control.
His plan of operation will be to create in addition to his cabinet triumvirate himself, Mollet and Pinay. Latter two representing left and right.
For present he will have to retain in office certain extremists in Algiers since they have power rather than he. He plans to treat them as he did leaders of resistance kicking them upstairs.
Assembly will be adjourned for six months with option to extend this to a year. De Gaulle had originally wanted this to be a period of two years but has agreed to six months.
During this period he will operate with 5 or 6 committees, finance, foreign affairs, overseas colonies, etc.
De Gaulle not opposed to NATO “it is there” but wants French military to have more say in planning. He believes that up to now French have done only what United States has ordered.
He favors European Community but one built around France rather than France acting only as partner therein.
He has some rather interesting ideas about Africa but will probably not bring these forth right away as they are rather extreme. He would like to see a Federation of African States including Algiers, West Africa and Equatorial Africa, etc., with seat of government in Algiers.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751.00/5–3158. Confidential. Repeated to London and Algiers.↩