21. Letter From President Reagan to Mexican President López Portillo1

Dear Mr. President:

I am pleased to accept the invitation extended on behalf of nine other heads of state or governments and yourself and Chancellor Kreisky to the International Meeting on Cooperation and Development which will be held in Cancun, Mexico, on October 22–23, 1981.2

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The co-sponsoring governments wisely decided that the meeting should be open and informal, with no agenda and no communique. Only in this way can we have a frank and open exchange of views on what I see as the major purpose of the meeting—to share perceptions of the principal problems and opportunities for international cooperation for mutual development. As you have indicated, the meeting should not engage in negotiations; nor should it take up procedural questions pending in other fora. Doing so would cause us to miss the opportunity to have a candid discussion of substantive issues and to develop a new and fresh perspective on our common problems.

We all agree that economic interdependence is a reality. The challenge is how to enhance the benefits to all countries that derive from international cooperation. Such cooperation has already resulted in a great deal of progress benefitting both industrial and developing countries. We should build upon this foundation our own efforts to construct a more productive and peaceful world.

The United States will participate in the preparatory meeting on August 1–2.3 We agree that this meeting should focus on arrangements for Cancun and not preempt or constrain the exchange of views among the heads of state or government.

I am honored to have received your invitation to this important meeting.


Ronald Reagan
  1. Source: Reagan Library, Executive Secretariat, NSC Trip File, Cancun (09/10/1981–09/14/1981); NLR–755–3–11–11–6. Limited Official Use. A typed notation on the letter reads: “Same text used in letter to Chancellor Kreisky (See State 151934, 7/11/81).” A copy of telegram 151934 is in the Reagan Library, Douglas McMinn Files, Economic Summit Files, Mexico—General; NLR–369–11–11–5–3.
  2. A copy of the letter of invitation from López Portillo and Kreisky, dated April 30, is in the Reagan Library, Douglas McMinn Files, Subject Files, Mexico—General.
  3. Haig and Ministers from 21 other countries met in Cancun August 1–2 to make final preparations for the Cancun Summit.