303. Telegram From the Embassy in Argentina to the Department of State1

3312. CINCSO for INTAFF, CINCLANT for POLAD, Rome for Vatican. Subject: Argentina: Galtieri Replies to Reagan’s 25 May Message.

1. (U) President Leopoldo Galtieri has addressed a message to US President Ronald Reagan in response to his note on the occasion of the commemoration of 25 May.2

2. (U) Following is the text of Galtieri’s letter to President Reagan: Quote If our people and government were surprised over the never expected attitude that the United States has adopted in supporting Great Britain in its conflict with Argentina, on receiving your congratulations on occasion of the 25 May celebrations today, the Argentine people and government cannot be more surprised. The assertion made therein, “that never before has it been so important to reassert the common interests and values which the Argentina and the United States and to reiterate the commitment we made to cooperate in this Hemisphere and in the entire world,” is not in keeping with the attitude of your government and is something which cannot be understood under the present circumstances. Unquote.

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3. (C) Comment: Galtieri’s harsh reply, which received heavy media coverage here, is not surprising in view of what we know to be Galtieri’s and the Junta’s anger at the USG. It is also consistent with the stream of criticism directed at US policy by various GOA officials, and the guidance and backgrounders given to the local media which hold the US to be largely responsible for Britain’s strong military response in the present crisis.

  1. Source: Reagan Library, Roger W. Fontaine Files, Country Files, Argentina (May 1982). Confidential; Immediate. Sent for information Immediate to the South Atlantic Sitrep Collective and for information to Panama City, USCINCSO, USCINCLANT, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
  2. Not found. According to a June 18 note from Bremer to Clark transmitting the signed original of Galtieri’s letter to the White House, Reagan’s May 25 message was sent to Galtieri to mark the occasion of the Argentine National Day. Bremer added that a response to Galtieri’s letter “would not serve any useful purpose.” (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, P820091–1421)