118. Editorial Note
On November 8, 1985, President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs Robert McFarlane convened a meeting of the Senior Arms Control Group from 4–5 p.m. in preparation for the Geneva Summit scheduled to commence on November 19. A draft agenda, talking points, and handwritten notes of the meeting are in the Reagan Library, Linhard Files, SACG Meeting—November 8, 1985. No formal minutes were found. On November 12, President Ronald Reagan convened a meeting of the National Security Planning Group, from 11:12 a.m. to 12:13 p.m. in the White House Situation Room. (Reagan Library, [Page 461] President’s Daily Diary) An agenda and handwritten notes are in the Reagan Library, Lehman Files, Summit (Geneva) (8 of 8). No formal minutes were found. Reagan convened another meeting of the National Security Planning Group on November 14, in the White House Situation Room, from 11:05 to 11:56 a.m. (Reagan Library, President’s Daily Diary) An agenda and draft talking points for McFarlane are in the Reagan Library, Lehman Files, NSPG: 1985. No formal minutes were found. Preparatory memoranda and studies in advance of the summit are scheduled for publication in Foreign Relations, 1981–1988, vol. V, Soviet Union March 1985–October 1986. On November 16, President Reagan flew to Geneva, where he visited the meeting facility and called upon the President of Switzerland, before meeting Gorbachev for the first time on November 19. (Reagan Library, President’s Daily Diary)