217. Action Memorandum From the Chairman of the Policy Planning Council (Rodman) to Acting Secretary of State Armacost1
- Foreign Policy in the Term Ahead
Attached is a Hill-McFarlane2 memorandum forwarding our comments on the package of Forward Look materials passed to us by the NSC staff.
We have added some new tabs on the NATO conventional forces initiative and also on international educational exchanges. Second, we have added a reference to the fact that you will want to discuss negotiating initiatives (Central America, Mideast, Southern Africa) when you see the President. Third, we have offered some marginal comments on the draft Shultz/McFarlane memorandum and the various tabs.
That you approve the Hill-McFarlane memorandum attached.3
[Page 936]- Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/P Files, Memoranda and Correspondence from the Director of the Policy Planning Staff to the Secretary and Other Seventh Floor Principals: Lot 89D149, S/P Chrons 11/1–15/84. Secret; Sensitive. Cleared by Armacost (P). McKinley initialed the memorandum and wrote “10 Nov.” He sent the memorandum to Armacost under a November 10 handwritten note, writing: “Mike, Charlie said the Secretary was content for you to send this over this a.m. if it looks OK. The Secretary has the c.o. paper from Bud. He wants to reply orally and will do so when Bud returns to Washington. Brunson.” (Ibid.) See also David Hoffman, “Reagan to Get Agenda on Foreign Policy: 3rd World Aid Plan Included in Options,” Washington Post, November 10, 1984, p. A24.↩
- Not attached. A copy of the November 9 memorandum from Hill to McFarlane is in the Reagan Library, Donald Fortier Files, Subject File, Policy Planning (Second Term) I: [11/15/84–11/15/84].↩
- Armacost initialed the “Approve” recommendation.↩
- Secret. No drafting information appears on the memorandum. Printed from an uninitialed copy. An unknown hand wrote “State Dept. editorial suggestions” in the top right-hand corner of the memorandum and drew a box around it.↩
- An unknown hand wrote “Insert A” in the right-hand margin after this paragraph and drew a left-pointing arrow to the margin between this and the subsequent paragraph. The text for A, which is typewritten on a separate page inserted into the memorandum, reads: “—Then there were lingering doubts about American will (in the wake of the Iranian hostage crisis). Now there can be no doubt about the vigor and boldness of US leadership and the degree of our recovery from the Vietnam syndrome.”↩
- An unknown hand inserted “the” between “reengage” and “US” in this sentence and placed a checkmark in the right-hand margin.↩
- An unknown hand deleted the period in the semicolon, changing it to a comma, and placed an editorial deletion mark in the right-hand margin.↩
- Attached but not printed are undated tabs entitled “Soviet-American Relations,” “Eastern Europe and Differentiation,” “An Initiative to Strengthen NATO’s Conventional Forces,” “Better Defense for Less,” “A New Security Assistance Strategy,” “Pacific Basin,” “International Educational Exchange,” and “U.S. Economic Strategy Toward the Third World.”↩
- An unknown hand wrote “Insert B” in the right-hand margin next to this point and drew a left-pointing arrow to the margin between this and the subsequent point. The text for B, which is typewritten on a separate page inserted into the memorandum, reads: “—An Alliance-wide effort to improve NATO conventional forces, in order to strengthen Western defense, reduce reliance on nuclear weapons, and meet Congressional concerns about burden-sharing. —Diplomatic strategies for Central America, the Middle East, and Southern Africa, as our strong position in each of these areas may begin to bear fruit in the coming months. (These negotiating issues are not covered at tabs. Secretary Shultz will want to discuss them more fully with you directly.)”↩
- An unknown hand underlined “a parallel push using the ideas of American industry to plant the seeds of economic resurgence in Europe” and wrote: “Is there a paper on this?” in the right-hand margin. Below this, the same unknown hand wrote “Insert C” and drew a left-pointing arrow to the margin between this and the subsequent paragraph. The text for C, which is typewritten on the same separate page as B above (see footnote 9), reads: “—A possible new initiative to give impetus to international educational and other people-to-people exchange programs, which have a significant payoff (in terms of good will, understanding, and contacts) for the United States.”↩
- See Document 196 and the attachment thereto.↩
- An unknown hand placed a checkmark in the right-hand margin.↩
- An unknown hand added “Now that you have” at the beginning of this sentence, bracketed and struck through the word “Having,” and wrote “(Grammar)” in the left-hand margin next to the sentence.↩
- An unknown hand bracketed and struck through the word “back” at this point, and placed a checkmark in the right-hand margin next to this sentence.↩
- An unknown hand placed parentheses around and struck through the word “for,” at this point, and placed a checkmark in the right-hand margin next to this sentence.↩
- An unknown hand placed a dash between the words “low” and “key” and placed a checkmark in the right-hand margin next to this sentence.↩
- The President met with Shultz and McFarlane in the Oval Office on November 14 from 1:30 until 2:45 p.m. (Reagan Library, President’s Daily Diary) No memorandum of conversation has been found. In a personal diary entry for November 14, the President wrote: “A long meeting with Sec. Shultz. We have trouble. Cap & Bill Casey have views contrary to George’s on S. Am., the middle East & our arms negotiations. It’s so out of hand George sounds like he wants out. I cant let that happen. Actually George is carrying out my policy. I’m going to meet with Cap & Bill & lay it out to them. Wont be fun but has to be done.” (Brinkley, ed., The Reagan Diaries, vol. I, January 1981–October 1985, p. 396)↩
- An unknown hand changed the capitalization of the first word of this and the subsequent two points from upper to lower case and placed checkmarks in the right-hand margin next to all of the points.↩