45. Telegram From the Embassy in Mexico to the Department of State1
6697. Subject: Cultural Initiatives. Ref: State 096982.2
1. Embassy strongly feels that scope of educational and cultural exchanges is limited only by funds and imagination. Relations with Lopez Portillo administration are excellent at this point, leaving opportunity for vastly expanded cooperation in exchanges with a country of great importance to U.S. Given economic and commercial ties, a common border and a growing Spanish-speaking population in the U.S. (largely of Mexican origin), areas of confluent interest abound and should be supported by increased official interaction through carefully planned exchange of persons. One example of GOM interest is acceptance of invitation to visit U.S. under Department auspices by Education Minister Porfirio Munoz Ledo in September. He wishes discuss mutual areas of interest and concern, thus giving USG unprecedented opportunity to enhance relations between us in educational and cultural fields. Another potential forum for improving relations will be bilateral cultural commission meeting scheduled for September in which Department and ForMin will discuss cooperative programs.
[Page 125]2. We wish to stress fact that present high degree of cooperation between GOM and U.S. is dependent to some extent on the personal relationships between highest officials on both sides. GOM’s willingness to be very forthcoming in cooperation could lessen to a degree if it were to conclude that the present relationship is not producing the concrete results, political, economic and financial, for which Mexico is looking. Therefore, it is important to move quickly to take advantage of current favorable atmosphere.
3. Mexico’s needs and opportunities are numerous. Among most pressing are:
A. Education—Embassy could develop across-the-board plan, using exchanges, to have input at all levels Mexican educational system, from primary schools through university level. No formal U.S. studies program currently exists in Mexico, and new administration has placed priority in establishment of a U.S. studies center. Another GOM priority is establishing pedagogical university. Since large numbers of Mexican teachers would be trained at this university, impact throughout Mexican educational system would be enormous. Another area is curriculum, where much more emphasis could be put on study of U.S. education as low as primary school level. At university level, increased number of Fulbright professors could augment total input into education system, as could increased scholarships for graduate training in educational fields. From USG point of view, Mexico’s expertise in bilingual, bicultural education could be of great use to U.S. educators.
B. Demographic studies—given nature of problem of migration to U.S. by Mexicans, this another critical field in which GOM striving for solutions. New Ministry of Human Settlements extremely active and staffed by some of Mexico’s brightest, most energetic specialists. Here too benefits of such cooperation would benefit both countries.
C. Clearinghouse for educational opportunities—originally proposed by Embassy in 1975 Cultural Commission meeting, this center would inventory existing exchange programs (public and private) since an awareness of extent such activity is essential to coordination of efforts in education. GOM recognizes need for such an organization and would willingly cooperate with USG initiatives.
D. Economic areas—in interest of both countries is sophisticated treatment of principal areas: trade policy, fiscal policy and inflation.
E. Intellectual and artistic community—there are great opportunities for more exposure of intellectuals and artists of both countries to the culture of the other. This could be another useful function of a clearinghouse. The private sector—universities, municipalities, foundations—should be encouraged to participate more actively to promote such exchanges.
[Page 126]4. As indicated above, GOM is already actively engaged in providing exchanges and, through such things as the Munoz Ledo visit, has demonstrated its eagerness to collaborate at significant levels. What is required at this point is a commitment from USG to reciprocate.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D770156–1124. Limited Official Use; Immediate. Sent for information to USIA.↩
- See Document 43.↩