88. Memorandum From Acting Secretary of State Christopher to President Carter1
[Omitted here is information unrelated to Panama.]
Canal Treaty. The September 7 date for the signing ceremony is firm. Yesterday’s uncertainty arose because President Perez had a scheduling conflict. When that conflict was resolved last night, OAS Secretary General Orfila sent out his message to heads of state or government of the American Republics. We have reason to believe that 12 to 15 heads of state will accept.2
Today’s session with the principal Panamanian negotiators went well. Almost all the outstanding points have now been agreed. Some minor points remain, as well as some work to delineate precise areas for retention by us or transfer to Panama under the new treaties.3
[Omitted here is information unrelated to Panama.]
- Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Subject File, Box 18, Evening Reports (State), 8/77. Secret. Carter initialed the memorandum. Vance was in Peking August 20–26 meeting with Chairman Hua, Foreign Minister Huang, and other senior Chinese officials. August 26–27, Vance met with Prime Minister Fukuda and Foreign Minister Hatoyama in Tokyo.↩
- Carter underlined “12 to 15” and wrote in the left margin: “Do everything possible to maximize attendance—I’ll help.”↩
- Carter underlined “areas for retention” and wrote in the left margin: “Satisfy Joint Chiefs.”↩