Enclosed is a copy of our report to the Director General on our recently
completed FSO Recruitment “Blitz”. You
will note that in general the recruiters encountered a very positive
response to our efforts to seek out women and minority group members to
take the
[Page 980]
1980 written
examination or to apply under one of our affirmative action programs.
Based on both oral and written reports from the recruiters we believe
that more women and minority group members were reached than in past
As a result of the Habib Committee recommendations, we now have a new
branch of REE committed to year-round
FSO recruitment activities with
emphasis on the recruitment of women and minority group members. You
will recall that on September 3, Secretary Muskie approved your recommended goals of 40 Affirmative
Action Junior Officer appointees and 33 Affirmative Action Mid-Level
appointees for FY–81.2
To meet these goals and to encourage additional numbers of women and
minority group members to enter as Foreign Service Officer candidates
via the written examination process, our FSO Recruitment Branch has targeted the following goals and
activities for this fiscal year:
1. To establish a list of key contacts at universities, colleges and
organizations throughout the U.S., to maintain year-round liaison with
them, and to utilize these contacts as volunteer recruiters in their
2. To contact all retired FSOs and
FSOs on university and Pearson
assignments to enlist their aid as year-round recruiters in the areas
where they are located.
3. To ensure that all officers in the Department and overseas are aware
of our recruitment needs and include recruitment pitches in every public
speaking engagement.
4. To work closely with EEO and with
minority and women’s organizations to ensure our participation in all
gatherings where we can best reach women and minorities who are
potential FSO candidates.
5. To revise and develop new informational material such as statistical
reports and highlights on women and minorities currently in the Foreign
Service for distribution to all contacts who could help us with our
recruiting efforts.
6. To develop a yearly seminar in Washington for key contacts if funding
is available.
7. To develop additional audio and visual materials for use in the
recruitment of women and minorities. This might include a taping of a
round table discussion with the Director General and others, designed
for use by schools and organizations either with or without personal
appearances by our recruiters.
8. To ensure effective screening of all Affirmative Action Mid-Level and
Junior Officer applications and effective follow-up in all cases.
9. To organize and program the 1981 recruitment drive well before the
December 1981 written examination, better utilizing information and
recommendations derived from the 1980 “Blitz” and the contacts obtained
therefrom and ensuring that the best possible recruiters are used where
their talents and background are most effective.
Memorandum From Margaret Barnhart of the
Recruitment Division, Office of Recruitment, Examination, and
Employment in the Bureau of Personnel to the Director General of
the Foreign Service and Director of Personnel (Barnes)3
Washington, November 3, 1980
- The 1980 Fall Recruitment Campaign—“Blitz”
As in past years, the Department sent Foreign Service Officers to
colleges and universities throughout the country in order to
stimulate interest in the 1980 written examination, to ensure
awareness and knowledge of our continuing Affirmative Action
Programs, and to counsel potential future exam passers, particularly
women and minority group members, as to Foreign Service careers and
how best to prepare themselves for success in entry. This year for
the first time recruiters contacted women’s and minority
organizations in the areas visited to promote Foreign Service career
opportunities for women and minority group members.
A total of 49 officers visited some 285 colleges and universities in
all 50 States and in Puerto Rico. The recruiters included 22 white
males, 8 white females, 12 Blacks, 3 Asians and 4 Hispanics. Of the
schools visited, about 50 were predominantly black institutions,
others were selected because they were in areas with large numbers
of minority group members and women. The estimated total cost of the
operation was $50,900.
Based on comments made at a de-briefing session and received in
written trip reports, the overall response was extremely positive.
The new junior officer salary levels were found to be generally
competitive with those offered by private industry. Only a small
number commented on the possible hazards of a Foreign Service
career; a large
[Page 982]
were enthusiastic about the public service aspects of such a career;
recruiters who had served in similar capacities in previous years
felt that increased numbers were reached, particularly among women
and minority groups members; a large number of recruiters found
particularly rewarding the opportunity to enlighten professors,
placement and development officers and organization leaders as to
what the Foreign Service is about and as to the Department’s sincere
interest in increasing the number of women and minorities in the
FSO and FSIO ranks and to achieve a truly
representative Foreign Service. Many of the recruiters believe they
discovered valuable contacts for on-going recruitment efforts and
have expressed interest in continuing personal contact on our
behalf. Most all believe this year’s recruitment campaign will be
successful in that additional numbers of women and minority group
members will seek entry via the exam process or via one of the
Affirmative Action Programs.
In the following paragraphs I have attempted to summarize the
principal observations and recommendations which were made at the
de-briefing session or in trip reports. I have not included those
points which pertain only to one institution or organization but
wish to note that these comments will be given great weight in
planning next year’s campaign and in our year-round recruitment
We look forward to discussing the campaign in further detail with you
and answering any questions you may have, on November 10, at 4:00
1. Most recruiters felt that more lead-time is necessary for
preparation and contact and to permit schools to organize better
programs. Many found college and university placement officers of
limited assistance and, often only upon arrival at the campus,
discovered that Department heads and faculty members in areas of our
interest were the best sources for group organizations. It was
recommended that future recruiters seek out these contacts and
ensure sufficient advance notification of any recruitment
2. In addition to identifying the best possible college and
university contacts, most recruiters stressed the need for
year-round contact with these “resident recruiters”, to keep them
supplied with all available recruitment materials, send them
statistics on women and minorities in the Foreign Service,
statistics on numbers of exam takers, exam passers and FSO/FSIO
entrants from their schools, provide them with current information
on other job opportunities in State and ICA, etc.
[Page 983]
Several suggested the possibility of a yearly conference in D.C.
with a group of the most effective “resident recruiters”.
3. A number of recruiters noted the need to further stress
“role-models” in the selection of recruiters, i.e. graduates to alma
maters, Hispanics to schools with large Hispanic populations, the
successful, personable, enthusiastic “best possible representative
of the Foreign Service”, the return of the same recruiter with
already established contacts and know-how to the schools visited
previously, etc. Those recruiters who fit these categories found
their visits extremely worthwhile and profitable vis-a-vis our
recruitment goals.
4. Additional and better organized advance publicity was suggested.
Many recommended provision of more audio and visual materials since
schools now have modern equipment and devote considerable space and
attention to all manner of recruitment efforts. In this connection
it was suggested that a 30 minute to 1 hour tape professionally done
and perhaps chaired by the Director General and including a
round-table discussion on FSO
careers with participants being representative FSOs and students
from local schools would be valuable for on-going recruitment as
well as for special recruitment campaigns.
5. Many recruiters suggested that next year’s recruiters need
additional information on summer intern programs and on other
professional job opportunities in State and ICA.
6. Many recommended increased use of retired FSO/FSIOs, FSO/FSIOs on
university student or faculty assignments, Pearson fellows, etc.
both in special recruitment campaigns and for on-going recruitment
7. Most recruiters found interest in the Foreign Service considerably
higher than anticipated and audiences with up to 50 percent women
and 5–15 percent minority group members. Most felt that our efforts
to reach minorities and women were highly successful this year.
8. A number of recruiters commented on difficulties in timing—timing
of the visits, timing of the application deadlines and timing of the
written exam. Schools on the West Coast and in Hawaii were just
opening at the time of the visit; elsewhere schools were deluged
with other recruiters who concentrate their efforts in early
October; minority counselors were not yet selected or newly selected
and not yet organized; students complained of the limited time
between recruitment discussions and exam application deadlines;
students said that this year’s exam falls on the same date as the
LSAT exam.
9. Recruiters covering schools at considerable distances apart felt
that more time should have been allowed to permit adequate
visitations and plus travel and rest time and time to consult
organization leaders in the areas visited.
[Page 984]
10. Most all recruiters seemed to feel that group meetings were the
best and most worthwhile means of getting across our recruitment
pitch. It was recommended that future recruiters make even more
efforts to ensure that preliminary contacts are aware of our needs
for group meetings.
11. With specific reference to our efforts to increase the number of
minorities and women in the Foreign Service, suggestions were made
to (1) reach these categories at the better high schools to call
attention to FS careers and counsel
on study plans; (2) zero in on those colleges and universities which
have positive affirmative action programs, numbers of minorities and
women and academic programs designed to ensure exam passers; (3) set
up a chain of “resident recruiters” among minority counselors and
selected minority organizations and maintain year-round contact.
Among the organizations reached during this year’s campaign, special
interest and assistance was found among the Urban League
12. A number of recruiters recommended a return to a single booklet
rather than the two used this year (Foreign Service Careers and the
Foreign Service Examination Supplement). Many also recommended
separate examination application forms with accompanying
instructions on completion.
13. One recruiter called attention to the regional (seven) annual
meetings of the College Placement Council, Inc. and suggested we
make every effort to participate in these meetings, thereby reaching
large numbers of placement officers at one time.