Abbreviations and Terms
- AAA, Argentine Anti-Communist Alliance
- ABA, American Bar Association
- ACDA, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- ACDA/WEC/ATE, Arms Transfer and Economics Division, Weapons Evaluation and Control Bureau, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- AD, Accion Democratica (Democratic Action), Venezuelan political party
- ADB, Asian Development Bank
- Adeco, a member of Venezuela’s AD party
- ADN, Accion Democratica Nacionalista (Nationalist Democratic Action), Bolivian political party
- AFP, Agence France Presse
- AID, U.S. Agency for International Development
- AID/LA, LAC, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, U.S. AID
- AID/RDP, Regional Development Program, U.S. AID
- AID/LAC/SA, Office of South American Affairs, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, U.S. AID
- AIFLD, American Institute for Free Labor Development
- AP, Andean Pact; Associated Press
- APRA, Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana (Popular Revolutionary American Alliance), Peruvian political party
- ARA, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/AND, Office of Andean Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/AND/CH, Chile Desk, Office of Andean Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/BR, Office of Brazilian Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/ECA, Office of East Coast Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/ECP, Office of Regional Economic Policy, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/PPC, Office of Policy Planning Coordination, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/RPP, Office of Political Programs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/RPP/PM, Regional Political Program, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARA/SC, Office of Southern Cone Affairs, Bureau of Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- ARENA, Aliance Removadora Nacional (National Renewal Alliance), Brazilian political party
- ARMA, U.S. Army Attaché
- AS, Assistant Secretary
- ASEAN, Association of Southeast Asian Nations
- BA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- b/d, barrels per day (of oil)
- BHN, basic human need (a category of loans in the IFIs)
- BOP, balance of payments
- B/P, balance of payments
- BPD, barrels per day (of oil)
- CAP, Carlos Andres Perez
- CARICOM, Caribbean Community
- CASP, Country Analysis and Strategy Paper
- CBF, Corporación Boliviana de Fomento (Bolivian Development Corporation)
- CCC, Commodity Credit Corporation
- CDU, Christian Democratic Union, West German political party
- CENTO, Central Treaty Organization
- CEOSL, La Confederación Ecuatoriana de Organizaciones Sindicales Libres (Ecuadorian Confederation of Free Trade Union Organizations)
- CERP 0001, Comprehensive Economic Reporting program; annual policy assessment mandated by the Foreign Affairs Manual
- CHMN, Chairman
- Christopher Group, The Inter-Agency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, chaired by Deputy Secretary of State Christopher
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CIEC, Conference on International Economic Cooperation
- CINC, Commander in Chief
- CIPEC, Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries
- CNI, Central Nacional de Informaciones (National Information Center), Chilean intelligence service, successor to DINA
- CNO, Chief of Naval Operations
- COB, Bolivian Workers’ Central Confederation
- COCOM, Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls
- COMASPO, Uruguayan Armed Forces Political Commission
- COMIBOL, Corporación Minera de Bolivia (Mining Corporation of Bolivia)
- COPPAL, Conference of Latin American Political Parties
- COPEI, Venezuelan Christian Democratic Party
- Copeyano, a member of Venezuela’s COPEI party
- COSENA, Uruguayan National Security Council
- COSEP, Superior Council for Private Enterprise (Nicaragua)
- CPF, Concentración de Fuerzas Populares (Concentration of Popular Forces), Ecuadoran political party
- CSA, Chief of Staff of the Army
- CSAF, Chief of Staff of the Air Force
- CTV, Confederación de Trabajadores de Venezuela (Venezuelan Workers Confederation); Venezuelan labor union linked with AD political party
- CUS, Nicaraguan Labor Organization
- CVDS, countervailing duties
- CY, calendar year
- D, Office of the Deputy Secretary of State
- D/HA, Coordinator for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, Office of the Deputy Secretary of State
- DA, David Aaron
- DA, Defense Attaché
- DAM, disposicion autoridad milita (disposition of military authority), prisoners held under military authority in Argentina
- DAO, Defense Attaché Office
- DAS, Deputy Assistant Secretary
- DATT, Defense Attaché
- DC, Developed Country
- DCI, Director of Central Intelligence
- DCM, Deputy Chief of Mission
- DDCI, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
- DDO, Deputy Director for Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
- DEA, Drug Enforcement Administration
- DGI, Cuban General Directorate of Intelligence
- DI, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency
- DINA, Dirección Nacional de Inteligencia (Directorate of National Intelligence), Chilean secret police and intelligence service, abolished and replaced by CNI in late 1977
- DINE, Chilean Army Intelligence Directorate
- DISIP, Dirección de los Servicios de Inteligencia y Prevención (Directorate of Intelligence and Preventive Services), Venezuelan intelligence agency
- DMA, Defense Mapping Agency
- DNCSP, Dirección Nacional para el Control de Substancias Peligrosas (National Directorate for the Control of Dangerous Substances), Bolivian anti-narcotics agency
- DOD, Department of Defense
- DOD/ISA, Bureau of International Security Affairs, Department of Defense
- DOE, Department of Energy
- DOS, Department of State
- DR, Daily Reading (President Carter’s early morning reading)
- E, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- EB, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State
- EB/ITA/EWT, Office of East-West Trade, Office of International Trade Policy, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State
- EB/IFD/ODF, Office of Development Finance, International Finance and Development, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State
- EB/IFD/OMA, Office of Monetary Affairs, International Finance and Development, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, Department of State
- EC, European Community
- ECLA, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
- ECOSOC, Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
- ERP, People’s Revolutionary Army (Argentina)
- EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- EUR/SOV, Office of Soviet Union Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- EUR/RPM, Office of Security and Political Affairs, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- Exdis, Exclusive distribution
- EXIM, Export-Import Bank
- FA, Frente Amplio (Broad Front), Uruguayan political party/coalition
- FAE, Ecuadoran Air Force
- FAO, Frente Amplio de Oposicion (Broad Front in Opposition), Nicaraguan anti-Somoza group
- FARC, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Colombian leftist guerrilla group
- FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FDI, foreign direct investment
- FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- FFB, Federal Financing Bank
- FMS, Foreign Military Sales
- FRG, Federal Republic of Germany; West Germany
- FSB, Falange Socialista Boliviana (Bolivian Socialist Falange); Bolivian right-wing political party
- FSLN, Sandinista National Liberation Front (Nicaragua)
- FSO, Inter-American Development Bank Funds for Special Operations
- FY, fiscal year
- G–77, Group of 77
- GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GN, Guardia Nacional (National Guard), Nicaragua
- GNR, Government of National Reconciliation (Nicaragua)
- GOA, Government of Argentina
- GOB, Government of Bolivia; Government of Brazil
- GOC, Government of Chile; Government of Colombia
- GOE, Government of Ecuador
- GOES, Government of El Salvador
- GON, Government of Nicaragua (Somoza)
- GOP, Government of Paraguay; Government of Peru
- GORM, Goals, Objectives, and Resource Management
- GOU, Government of Uruguay
- GOV, Government of Venezuela
- GSP, Generalized System of Preferences
- H, Bureau of Congressional Relations, Department of State
- HA, Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, Department of State
- HA/HR, Office of Human Rights, Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, Department of State
- HEW, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
- HR, Human Rights
- HRH, see HA
- IADB, Inter-American Defense Board; for Inter-American Development Bank, see IDB
- IAHRC, Inter-American Human Rights Commission (OAS)
- IAJC, Inter-American Juridical Committee (OAS)
- IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- ICA, International Communication Agency
- ICJ, International Court of Justice (UN)
- ICRC, International Committee of the Red Cross
- IDB, Inter-American Development Bank
- IDCA, International Development Cooperation Agency
- IFC, International Finance Corporation, part of the World Bank
- IFI, International Financial Institutions (World Bank, IMF, etc.)
- IG, Interagency Group; Interdepartmental Group; Inspector General
- ILHR, International League for Human Rights
- ILO, International Labor Organization
- IMET, International Military Education and Training
- IMF, International Monetary Fund
- INM, Bureau for International Narcotics Matters
- INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/DDC, Office of the Director for Coordination, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/DDR, Office of the Director for Research, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/IAA, Office of Analysis for Inter-American Republics, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/RAR, Office of Research and Analysis for American Republics, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/RSE, Office of Research and Analysis for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- IO, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
- IO/UNP, Office of United Nations Political Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
- ISA, Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs, Department of Defense
- Itamaraty, Brazilian Foreign Ministry (refers to the Itamaraty Palace, in which the ministry is housed)
- ITT, International Telephone and Telegraph
- JBUSMC, Joint Brazil-United States Military Commission
- JCR, Revolutionary Coordinating Junta
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JRG, Junta Revolucionario de Govierno (Revolutionary Governing Junta), ruling junta in El Salvador)
- Kennedy-Humphrey Amendment (P.L. 95–92, sec. 11), signed into law August 4, 1977, prohibited all U.S. military aid, training, and weapons sales to Argentina after September 30, 1978
- L, Legal Advisor, Department of State
- L/ARA, Office of the Assistant Legal Advisor for Inter-American Affairs, Department of State
- L/PM, Office of the Assistant Legal Advisor for Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State
- LA, Latin America; Latin American
- LAC, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, U.S. AID
- LAFTA, Latin American Free Trade Association
- LAWS, light anti-tank weapons
- LDC, Lesser Developed Country
- LDCs, Lesser Developed Countries
- LIMDIS, Limited Distribution
- LOA, Letter of Agreement
- LOS, Law of the Sea
- LST, Landing Ship Tank
- M, Undersecretary for Management, Department of State
- M/CT, Office for Combating Terrorism, Under Secretary for Management, Department of State
- M–19, April 19th Movement, Colombian leftist guerrilla group
- MASM, Military Assistance and Sales Manual
- M–B–B, Muskie-Brown-Brzezinski lunch
- MDB, Movimento Democratico Brasileiro (Brazilian Democratic Movement), Brazilian political party.
- MFM, Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the OAS
- Milgroup, military group
- MIR, Movimiento Izquierdista Revolucionario (Revolutionary Leftist Movement), Bolivian political party
- MNC, multinational corporation
- MNR, Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (Nationalist Revolutionary Movement), Bolivian political party
- MNR–A, see MNR–H
- MNR/Alianza, see MNR–H
- MNR-H, “Historical” wing of the Bolivian MNR party
- MNR-I, “Institutionalist” wing of the Bolivian MNR party
- Montonero, left-wing guerrilla organization based in Uruguay and Argentina
- MOU, Memorandum of Understanding
- MPLA, Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola
- MTN, Multilateral Trade Negotiations
- MTT, Military Training Team
- MVD, Montevideo, Uruguay
- NAM, Non-Aligned Movement
- NCU, Narcotics Unit
- NF, see Noforn
- NFAC, National Foreign Assessment Center, Central Intelligence Agency
- NFZ, Nuclear Free Zone
- NG, National Guard
- Niact, Night Action
- NIEO, New International Economic Order
- NIO, National Intelligence Officer, Central Intelligence Agency
- Nocontract, Not releasable to contractors
- Nodis, No distribution
- Noforn, Not releasable to foreign nationals
- Notal, Cable not received by all addressees
- NPT, Non-Proliferation Treaty
- NSC, National Security Council
- NWFZ, Nuclear Weapons Free Zone
- OAS, Organization of American States
- OASGA, Organization of American States General Assembly meeting
- OAU, Organization of African Unity
- OC, See Orcon.
- OECD, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- OES, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Department of State
- OMB, Office of Management and Budget
- OPEC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
- OPI, Office of Primary Interest, Central Intelligence Agency
- OPIC, Overseas Private Investment Corporation
- Orcon, originator-controlled
- ORPA, Office of Regional and Political Analysis, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- OSCE, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
- OSD, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- P, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
- PAF, Peruvian Air Force
- PARM, Policy and Resources Management, annual policy review
- PCB, Partido Comunista de Bolivia (Communist Party of Bolivia)
- PCT, percent
- PD, Presidential Directive
- PDC, Christian Democratic Party
- Pro-Ag, Project Agreement
- Pro/Ag, see Pro-Ag
- PEN, National Executive Power, which allowed the Argentine government to hold prisoners indefinitely under state-of-siege provisions of the constitution
- Petrocan, Canadian state-owned oil company
- PLN, Partido Liberal Nacionalista (Nationalist Liberal Party), Nicaraguan political party
- PM, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State
- PM/ISO, Office of International Security Operations, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State
- PM/ISP, Office of International Security Policy, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State
- PM/MC, Office of Munitions Control, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State
- PM/SAS, Office of Security Assistance and Sales, Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State
- PNG, Persona non grata
- POL, Petroleum, oils and lubricants
- PPC, Partido Popular Cristiano (Christian People’s Party), Peruvian political party
- PRA, Partido Revolucionario Auténtico (Authentic Revolutionary Party), Bolivian political party
- PRC, People’s Republic of China; Policy Review Committee
- PRD, Dominican Revolutionary Party
- PRM, Policy Review Memorandum
- PRIN, Revolutionary Party of the National Left, Bolivian political party
- RA, Regional Affairs
- Reftel, Referenced telegram
- retorno (return), the process of returning to civilian government in Ecuador after the period of military rule
- RI, Rick Inderfurth
- Rio Protocol, January 1942 peace agreement between Ecuador and Peru in boundary dispute
- Rio Pact, 1947 treaty providing for mutual defense in the Western Hemisphere, signed by the United States and 20 other countries
- Rio Treaty, see Rio Pact
- RP, Report
- S, Office of the Secretary of State
- S/AS, Ambassador at Large and Special Representative of the President for Nonproliferation Matters
- SALT, Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
- SCC, Special Coordinating Committee
- SDR, Special Drawing Rights.
- SELA, Sistema Economico Latinoamericano y del Caribe (Latin American and Caribbean Economic System)
- Septel, Separate telegram
- SET, Supreme Electoral Tribunal (Ecuador)
- SFRC, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- SI, Socialist International
- SIDE, Argentine State Secretariat for Intelligence
- S/P, Policy Planning Staff, Office of the Secretary of State
- SPD, Social Democratic Party, West German political party
- S/S, Executive Secretary, Office of the Secretary of State
- S/S-O, Operations Center, Executive Secretary, Office of the Secretary of State
- S/S-S, Secretariat Staff, Executive Secretary, Office of the Secretary of State
- SSOD, Special Session on Disarmament
- STADIS, State Distribution, distribution within Department of State only
- STR, Office of the Special Trade Representative
- SWAPO, South West Africa People’s Organization
- T, Bureau of Arms Control and International Security Affairs
- TNC, Transnational Corporations
- UDEL, Nicaraguan Union of Democratic Liberation
- UDP, Unidad Democratica y Popular (Democratic and Popular Union), Bolivian political coalition
- UGA, University of Georgia
- UK, United Kingdom
- UN, United Nations
- UNCHR, United Nations Commission on Human Rights
- UNCTAD, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- UNEF, United Nations Emergency Force in the Sinai
- UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- UNITAS, an annual exercise jointly undertaken by United States and South American navies
- UNP, Unión Nacionalista del Pueblo (Nationalist Union of the People), Bolivian political coalition
- UNSC, United Nations Security Council
- UP, Union Patriotica; Allende’s political coalition in Chile to 1973
- USCINCLANT, U.S. Commander in Chief, Atlantic Command, Norfolk, Virginia
- USCINCSO, U.S. Commander in Chief, Southern Command, Canal Zone
- USCINCSOUTH, U.S. Commander in Chief, Southern Command, Canal Zone
- USA, U.S. Army
- USAF, U.S. Air Force
- USDA, U.S. Department of Agriculture
- USDEL, U.S. Delegation
- USG, U.S. Government
- USIA, U.S. Information Agency
- USICA, U.S. International Communication Agency
- USN, U.S. Navy
- USOAS, U.S. Mission to the OAS
- USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- USUN NY, U.S. Mission to the United Nations in New York
- V–B–B, Vance-Brown-Brzezinski meeting
- VIP, Very Important Person
- WB, World Bank
- WOLA, Washington Office on Latin America (non-governmental organization)
- WR, Weekly Reading
- X–M, Export-Import Bank
- XMT, Exempt
- Z, Zulu (Greenwich Mean Time)
- ZB, Zbigniew Brzezinski