238. Letter From President Carter to Dominican President-Elect Guzman1

Dear Mr. Guzman:

Thank you for your letter of July 14,2 telling me about the objectives you intend to pursue and the challenges you will face when you take office as President of the Dominican Republic.

I appreciate your concerns and your intention to direct your actions toward strengthening democratic institutions, speeding economic development, and improving social justice. My government supports you in pursuing these objectives, and I look forward to working closely with your administration in your efforts to promote them in the Dominican Republic.

It was kind of you to invite me once more to your inauguration, and I deeply regret that I am not able to attend. As I noted in my letter of July 12,3 I am pleased that such distinguished officials as Secretary of State Vance and Ambassador Young will represent me.

I have referred to the Department of State your request for the participation of the United States in a study of the Dominican economy. You can expect to hear further from Secretary Vance or Ambassador Yost on this subject.

I wish you every success in the future leadership of your country.4


Jimmy Carter
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, President’s Correspondence with Foreign Leaders, Box 5, Folder: Dominican Republic: President Antonio Guzman, 5/78–6/80. No classification marking.
  2. See Document 237.
  3. In telegram 178232 to Santo Domingo, July 14, the Department transmitted a message from Carter that congratulated Guzman on the official certification of his electoral victory and stated that Vance and Young would attend his inauguration. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780289–1065)
  4. Below his signature, Carter wrote, “Best wishes! J.C.” In telegram 4508 from Santo Domingo, August 16, the Embassy transmitted Guzman’s response, which thanked Carter for his support and renewed a previous Dominican request for $42 million in PL–480 funds and CCC financing to purchase agricultural products. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780335–1002)