232. Letter From President Carter to Dominican President Balaguer1
I have just learned the results of the Presidential election in the Dominican Republic, and I want to express my deep admiration for the statesmanship you have shown in this period of such great importance to the Dominican people. Your long and illustrious career in service to the Dominican people ensures that your name will always live among the people of your country and of our hemisphere.
I recall our meeting in Washington last September,2 when you told me of your commitment to democracy and truly free elections. The Elections Board, which you helped establish, acted courageously and independently to carry out this commitment.
As you pass the burdens of office to your elected successor, I am sure that history will remember your contribution to the establishment of true democracy in the Dominican Republic as one of your finest achievements.
I want to assure you that my government desires to cooperate with yours in every way, both during the transition period and after your successor takes office, to promote the further democratic progress and well-being of the Dominican people.3
- Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, President’s Correspondence with Foreign Leaders File, Box 5, Folder: Dominican Republic: President Joaquin Balaguer, 8/77–11/79. No classification marking.↩
- See Document 219.↩
- In telegram 2897 from Santo Domingo, May 30, the Embassy transmitted a brief, cordial reply from Balaguer dated May 29. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780226–0457)↩