Foreign Relations of the United States, 1977–1980, Volume XX, Eastern Europe

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1977–1980, Volume XX, Eastern Europe
- Carl Ashley
- Mircea A. Munteanu
General Editor:
- Adam M. Howard
United States Government Publishing Office
- About the Series
- Preface
- Sources
- Abbreviations and Terms
- Persons
- Note on U.S. Covert Actions
- Eastern Europe (Documents 1–301)
- Eastern Europe Region (Documents 1–44)
- Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, and Voice of America (Documents 45–80)
- Bulgaria (Documents 81–95)
- Czechoslovakia (Documents 96–116)
- German Democratic Republic (Documents 117–135)
- Hungary (Documents 136–176)
- Romania (Documents 177–234)
- Yugoslavia (Documents 235–301)
- Eastern Europe Region (Documents 1–44)
- Index