439. Telegram From the Embassy in Pakistan to the Department of State1

3912. Subject: (U) Tehran Rescue Mission—GOP Reaction.

1. (U) Official GOP reaction to abortive rescue attempt of hostages in Tehran2 one of “shock and dismay”. GOP spokesman called US action “adventurous” and “flagrant violation of international norms and law . . . which ended in disaster”. Spokesman “deplored act which constituted serious violation of Iran’s sovereignty.”

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2. (U) The official reaction also contained the statement that abortive attempt could have “far reaching consequences for the peace and security of the region”. MFA spokesman praised the “responsible and statesmanlike reaction of the Iranian Foreign Minister who has counselled restraint and and moderation in the face of this grave provocation”.

3. (U) The spokesman reiterated Pakistan’s consistent policy of opposition to the use of force and intimidation in resolving the problem of the hostages. He said Pakistan “would stand by Iran in its struggle to defend its sovereignty and national honor.” The official statement closed by ridiculing “the false and mischievous speculations in certain foreign media that US aircraft had been launched from Pakistan. Any attempt to implicate Pakistan in any way whatsoever in the U.S. adventure should be treated with the contempt it deserves.”

4. (C) Comment: The strong GOP condemnation of the US “adventure” and its unequivocal rejection of any sympathy for, or involvement in, the operation underlines both the GOP’s continuing policy of avoiding antagonizing of Iran and also its unwillingness to articulate a balanced view of the hostage situation. The international “piracy” and violation of America’s rights and sovereignty—not to mention bases of accepted diplomatic practice—continue to be ignored in Pakistani official pronouncements on this issue.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D800206–0349. Confidential; Niact Immediate. Sent for information to Karachi, Lahore, Moscow, Cairo, and New Delhi.
  2. The failed attempt to rescue the U.S. hostages in Tehran, known as Operation Eagle Claw, was launched on April 24.