92. Memorandum From William Quandt of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski)1
- Tank Transporters to Libya
The Oshkosh Truck Company has a contract to sell $60 million worth of large trucks to Libya. These trucks are purely commercial items and are not controlled by any policy prohibitions. However, they are extremely large and are intended for the Libyan Army as end user. It is evident to everyone that the Libyans intend to use them as tank transporters. State originally took a very firm position with Commerce, insisting that this sale be placed under a controlled list where it could be affected by policy considerations. Commerce has stalled. Yesterday, the Oshkosh Company, which faces severe financial hardship if the sale is killed, managed to convince Cooper at State that the sale should go through. Cooper has reportedly convinced Christopher to reverse the previous State position. We are informed that the first trucks are due to be shipped at the end of this week. (C)
If this sale is approved, we face three policy repercussions:
—We must be prepared to answer queries on the Hill during a time when terrorist legislation is under active consideration;
—We must reexamine our own policy since we recently turned down the sale of 727s to Libya on the grounds they could be used for military purposes, and this is in direct contradiction.
—We must consider how to inform Sadat that we let this one pass. (C)
RECOMMENDATION: That you call Warren Christopher today and express concern that this sale not be allowed to go through.2