3. Telegram From the Embassy in Tunisia to the Department of State1
1194. Amman for Ambassador Mulcahy. Subject: Tunisian/Libyan Dispute Over Offshore Drilling Operation: State of Play February 18. Ref: Tunis 1168.2 (Notal)
1. Summary: Tunisians state that Italian Ambassador has told them that GOI has informed LARG that Italy withdrawing drilling rig from waters claimed by Tunisia and that Libyans have threatened to “open fire” if Tunisians do not cease “occupying” drilling platform. Coordinates of drilling rig that Tunisians say given them by Libyans and verified by GOT would seem to place drilling point on Tunisian side of shelf boundary, on basis of “island base point” calculation made by Geographer’s office. End summary.
2. Tunisian Foreign Ministry Director for European and American Affairs Ahmed Ghezal gave Charge detailed exposition this morning of events leading to alleged Italian Government decision to withdraw drilling rig which working at point on continental shelf claimed by Tunisia. Tunisian version of sequence of events as follows:
3. GOT believes that around Jan 13 drilling ship, Scarabeo Four belonging to subsidiary (AGIP/SAIPEM) of Italian State Oil Company (ENI) positioned off Tunisian/Libyan coast. On Jan 18 Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent circular note to all diplomatic missions in Tripoli—excluding Tunisia—informing them of drilling operation but giving erroneous coordinates. On Feb 1 Libyan MOFA sent second note to diplomatic missions Tripoli, including Tunisia, “correcting” coordinates. Note received by Tunisian High Representative Tripoli on Feb 4 and was first knowledge GOT had of this operation. Coordinates were given as 34 degrees one minute five point 54 seconds north and 12 degrees 34 minutes 13 point thirty-four seconds east.
[Page 5]3. On Feb 8 Tunisian MOFA presented Libyan Charge Tunis with diplomatic note (text given Embassy)3 confirming receipt of Libyan note and stating that position of Scarabeo Four indisputably on Tunisia continental shelf; that dispatch of ship by Libyan Government to this point constituted flagrant violation of sovereign rights of Tunisia; that GOT strongly protested this act and categorically rejected Libyan note as null and void. Libyan Government asked to withdraw ship and not to undertake any activity that would infringe on Tunisian continental shelf. According to Ghezal, Libyan Charge “returned” Tunisian note Feb 14.
4. On Feb 9 Tunisian MOFA called in Italian Ambassador and “warned him of consequences of Italian action”, pointing out that location of drilling vessel within area of Tunisian concession to SEPEG in which AGIP has interest (according to Embassy’s information 20 percent). Therefore Italians drilling in Tunisian concession which included them as well as French, but on basis overlapping concession granted AGIP by Libya.
5. On Feb 11 Director of Energy for Tunisian Ministry of National Economy requested Tunisian Coast Guard to verify coordinates. Coast Guard patrol boat did so and reported approximately same coordinates as Libyan note (34 degrees one point one minute north and 12 degrees 34 point two minutes east). Director of Energy prepared summons on Feb 17 (text given Embassy)4 informing Captain Scarabeo Four that he had violated Tunisian continental shelf and that he must cease operations and immediately leave the area or be subject to penalties of Tunisian law. Summons delivered to Scarabeo Four Feb 17 by Tunisian Coast Guard boat.
6. Also on Feb 17 Italian Ambassador in Tunis informed Tunisian MOFA that Scarabeo would leave area within four days, time required to cap drill hole. MOFA asked for written confirmation of this from GOI as well as written confirmation from ENI that operation being abandoned. Later in day, Feb 17, Libyan Prime Minister Jallud called in Tunisian High Representative Tripoli and informed him that if “Tunisian occupation” of drilling rig did not cease, Libyan forces would “open fire”. Tunisia, of course, in no way “occupying” rig.
7. Morning of Feb 18 Italian Ambassador informed Tunisian MOFA that GOI had told Libyans that they were withdrawing Scarabeo and that he would confirm Italian decision to GOT by note either today or tomorrow, Feb 19. (We know that Italian Ambassador did call on Ghezal this morning, as did later on in morning, French Charge.) In [Page 6] response to question, Ghezal said he did not know whether any Tunisian Navy vessels now in immediate area of drilling operation but he did believe Tunisian “warship” had been in area at time summons delivered (thus distinguishing Tunisian Coast Guard from Tunisian Navy proper).
8. Aside from information supplied by Ghezal, Embassy Officer informed by GOT Ministry of Interior official that Libyan Minister of Interior arriving Tunis tonight (Feb 18) from Madrid with two other senior Libyan officials. Purpose of visit unknown.
9. Comment: Ghezal asked nothing from USG, although he hinted broadly that GOT would be interested in any information USG gained on GOI intentions. He made it clear that GOT not entirely convinced Italians would keep strictly to their word on withdrawal of drilling vessel. Following meeting with Ghezal, we have reviewed INR study of Libya/Tunisia continental shelf boundary (RGES–7 of 21 Dec 72)5 and attached map as modified by State 212136 of 26 Aug 76,6 and it would appear that coordinates given us by Tunisians fall on Tunisian side of line according to Geographer’s calculation that uses islands as base points.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D770058–1222. Secret; Niact Immediate. Sent for information Immediate to Amman, Tripoli, and Rome. Sent for information to Rabat, Paris, London, Algiers, Cairo, Valetta, USCOMSIXTHFLT, and CINCUSNAVEUR.↩
- In telegram 1168 from Tunis, February 17, King summarized a telephone conversation with Ghezal, who summarized Tunisia’s position on the drilling by the Italian firm AGIP of an offshore well for Libya that was “clearly” in Tunisian waters. “GOT informed LARG of this fact by diplomatic note and at the same time requested Italian Government to withdraw AGIP operation. Italians agreed.” Ghezal also noted the Libyan response: “Libyan Prime Minister Jalloud has now called in Tunisian High Representative in Tripoli and told him to inform GOT that if there any further GOT ‛interference’ with drilling operation, Libya will open fire on Tunisian patrol boats.” (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D770057–0649)↩
- Not found.↩
- Not found.↩
- Not found.↩
- Telegram 212136 to Tunis, August 26, 1976, is in the National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D760326–0480.↩