135. Summary of Conclusions of a Mini-Special Coordination Committee Meeting1


  • Libyan Actions Directed Against U.S. Reconnaissance Aircraft


  • State

    • Morris Draper, Deputy Assistant Secretary for NEA
    • William McAfee, Deputy Director for Coordination, INR
  • CIA

    • Robert Ames, NIO for Near East and South Asia
    • [name not declassified], OSR
  • Defense

    • David McGiffert, Assistant Secretary, ISA
    • Leonard Hildebrandt, Country Director, North Africa, ISA
    • Donald E. Nielsen, Special Coordination Staff, DUSD (PR)
  • JCS

    • Lt. General John Pustay, Assistant to the Chairman
  • White House

    • David Aaron
  • NSC

    • General Jasper Welch
    • Alfred Friendly
    • Captain Gary Sick
    • Captain Chris Shoemaker


David Aaron began the meeting by asking for an assessment of the Libyan attack on our reconnaissance aircraft.2 (C)

General Pustay said that our only source for believing that an attack occurred was [less than 1 line not declassified]; there were no aircraft sighted on U.S. radar, no missiles seen, no damage sustained. The crew of the airplane is now reviewing their tapes. [classification marking not declassified]

Gary Sick asked if the Libyans could have staged the entire thing. (C)

Pustay responded that this was a possibility; [2 lines not declassified].

In response to questions about the nature and location of our reconnaissance flights, Pustay pointed out that these flights are well beyond the Libyan-claimed waters and clearly in international airspace. No tracks go into the contested areas. The reconnaissance missions are designed to test Libyan air defense. (S)

David Aaron pointed out that, in that case, the flight was a success. (S)

Aaron then asked why, in the face of an increasing pattern of Libyan probes, over the past several months, we do not protect these aircraft. (S)

Pustay responded that it is too expensive to keep fighters over our reconnaissance flights. He pointed out that, during the forthcoming naval exercise in the Gulf of Sidra, the carrier KENNEDY will provide cover for these flights. (S)

David Aaron then said that, for the immediate future, we should provide CAP for our flights. DOD was tasked to do this. (S)

McGiffert then asked if we should consider cutting back on the reconnaissance flights through the area (currently about one per day, although none are scheduled until September 21). (S)

[Page 332]

All agreed that we should not. (C)

David Aaron then turned the discussion to the naval exercise planned for September 20–21 near the Gulf of Sidra. He asked if any ships are planning to venture south of the Libyan-declared line. (S)

Pustay responded that some vessels, probably frigates, will sail south of the line to warn stray ships in the area and to reassert our contention that the Gulf of Sidra is international waters. No live firing will take place south of the line, however. (S)

Draper said that State agrees that the exercise should take place as planned. State denied permission for a similar exercise in June only because the time was not right. (S)

David Aaron said that the group should stay in close touch over the next few days on the subject of the exercise. (S)

David Aaron then asked if we should make a demarche to the Libyans over their harassment of our reconnaissance flights. (S)

[1 paragraph (2 lines) not declassified]

David Aaron then asked about Jack Anderson’s probes on the Libyan affair. (C)

Friendly said that Anderson’s people had picked up on an earlier series of accusations about Libya. Two relevant allegations concern our cancellation of the exercise in June and a supposed Libyan attack against our reconnaissance aircraft. Both questions are manageable. (C)

David Aaron then closed the meeting by asking Defense to provide a copy of the rules of engagement for our forces in the exercise and for the CAP which will support our reconnaissance flights in the future. (S)

  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Middle East, Subject File, Box 61, Libya: 9–10/80. Secret; [handling restriction not declassified]. The meeting took place in the White House Situation Room. Minutes of the meeting were not found.
  2. See Document 139.