23. Memorandum From Paul Henze of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski)1
- Meeting of SCC Working Group on Horn, 28 April 1978
I chaired an SCC Horn Working Group which met for nearly two hours this morning. Principal issues discussed and actions agreed upon were as follows:
[Omitted here are issues and actions unrelated to Angola.]
Following the meeting, CIA representatives showed me draft proposal for providing Savimbi with funds to enable him to publicize his fight against the Cubans in Angola. It impressed me as being both doable and very much in line with the President’s current desires. I asked them to prepare it for discussion at the next SCC.2
With the sense of urgency about events in the Horn declining, the bureaucracy is slipping into go-slow patterns. This is most marked in State but also a problem in the Pentagon where getting anything through the cumbersome bureaucracy of ISA and JCS can take weeks. I plan to hold Horn Working Group meetings every couple of weeks now and recommend we continue to hold SCC meetings on the Horn at least once per month. Agenda for next SCC should include:3
1. Somalia—arms and related issues
2. Ethiopia—aid problems
3. Sudan—economic situation military aid
4. Kenya—Report on Military Survey Group results
5. [3 lines not declassified]
- Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Office, Meetings File, Box 10, SCC Meeting: #77 Held 5/15/78, 4/78–5/15/78. Secret; Outside System.↩
- Brzezinski wrote: “OK” in the right-hand margin next to this paragraph.↩
- Brzezinski underlined this sentence and wrote “schedule. ZB” in the right-hand margin.↩