481. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to Secretary of State Vance1


  • Economic Security Assistance for Central America and the Caribbean (U)

In response to your memorandum of September 28, the President has approved your seeking immediate FY 1980 supplemental ESF authorization and appropriation of $75 million to help cover Nicaragua’s balance of payments gap in 1980.2 Consideration of whether such assistance is required in 1981 will be deferred to the FY 1981 budget process. (S)

With regard to Honduras, El Salvador, and the Caribbean, the President has decided not to seek supplementals for these countries. Instead, the United States will support multilateral development efforts to be organized by the World Bank at the request of these countries. Subject to progress on democratic reforms, we will increase planned FY 1981 development assistance to them. (S)

Zbigniew Brzezinski
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 46, Latin America: 10/1–14/79. Secret. Owen wrote at the top of the memorandum: “John pls call me. H. Owen.”
  2. Vance’s September 28 memorandum to Carter requested that the administration increase the $145 million budget request for Central America by $30.6 million “to address immediate and urgent requirements in the Caribbean.” The memorandum is printed as Document 365 in Foreign Relations, 1977–1980, vol. XXIII, Mexico, Cuba, and the Caribbean.