Abbreviations and Terms
- A-6, U.S. long-range attack aircraft
- AA,anti-aircraft
- ACQ, acquired
- ADA, Air Defense Artillery
- AFB, Air Force Base
- Amb, Ambassador
- ARAMCO, Arabian-American Oil Company
- AWB, Australian Wheat Board
- AWACS, Airborne Early Warning and Control
- B, Christian Bourguet
- B-52, U.S. bomber
- B&V, Bourguet and Villalon
- BDG, Bangladesh Government
- bpd, barrels per day
- C, Jimmy Carter; Confidential
- C-5, U.S. military transport aircraft
- C-9, U.S. aeromedical transport aircraft
- C-130, Hercules, general purpose, four-engine fixed wing military transport aircraft
- C-141, Starlifter, fixed wing military transport aircraft
- C-5, Galaxy, fixed wing military transport aircraft
- C&R,communications and records
- C3I, Communications, Command, Control, and Intelligence
- CA, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of State
- CENTO, Central Treaty Organization
- Cherokee, telegraphic distribution channel for the Eyes Only messages between the Secretary of State and an Ambassador
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CINC, Commander in Chief
- CINCPAC, Commander in Chief, Pacific Command
- CJCS, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- COG, Continuity of Government
- COMSAT, Communications Satellite Corporation
- CONUS, Continental United States
- CPX, Command Post Exercise
- CRICON, Crisis Confrontation
- COMJTF, Commander Joint Task Force:
- CT, Counterterrorism
- CTJTF, Counterterrorism Joint Task Force
- CVA, U.S. Navy Attack Aircraft Carrier
- D, Office of the Deputy Secretary of State
- DA, David Aaron
- DAO, Defense Attaché Office
- DCA, Defense Cooperation Agreement
- DCI, Director of Central Intelligence
- DCM, Deputy Chief of Mission
- DDCI, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
- DDN, David D. Newsom
- DDO, Deputy Director for Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
- DDSO, Deputy Director for Special Operations
- Delta, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment D, commanded by Colonel Charlie Beckwith
- Desert One, designated landing spot for Delta Team and helicopters inside Iran, U.S. rescue mission
- Desert Two,designated mountain hideout southeast of Tehran
- DIA,Defense Intelligence Agency
- DJS, Director, Joint Staff
- DOE, Department of Energy
- DOI, date of information
- DOUBLESTAR, an operational test and evaluation activity for JTF procurement and training for a second rescue operation
- DRE, Defense Research and Engineering
- E-3, AWACS aircraft
- Eagle Claw, code name for the rescue operation, operational phase
- EC, European Community
- EC-9, nine members of the European Community
- EDS, Electronic Data Systems
- EUCOM,European Command
- Exdis, Exclusive Distribution
- F-4, U.S. jet interceptor and fighter-bomber
- F-5, U.S. light fighter aircraft
- F-111, U.S. supersonic tactical attack aircraft
- FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
- FCO, U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Fedayeen al-Khalq, secular Marxist group
- FI, Foreign Intelligence
- FLAG, Family Liaison Action Group
- FMS, Foreign Military Sales
- FOI, Freedom of Information
- FRG, Federal Republic of Germany
- G (GH), Ghotbzadeh
- G-3, rifle produced in Iran under license from Heckler and Koch
- GA, General Assembly
- GDP, Gross Domestic Product
- GOI, Government of Iran
- GOP, Government of Pakistan; Government of Panama
- GS, Gary Sick
- H, Bureau of Congressional Relations, Department of State
- HB, Honey Badger; Harold Brown
- helo(s), helicopters
- HUMINT, human intelligence
- ICA, International Communication Agency
- ICJ, International Court of Justice
- ICRC, International Committee of the Red Cross
- IEA, International Energy Agency
- IEEPA, International Emergency Economic Powers Act
- INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INS, Immigration and Naturalization Service
- INTELSAT, Global Fixed Satellites and Telecommunications Services; International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
- IO/UNP, Office of UN Political Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State
- IRG, Islamic Revolutionary Guard
- IRP, Islamic Republican Party
- IWG, Iran Working Group, Department of State
- J-2, Joint Staff Intelligence Division
- J-3, Joint Staff Operations Division
- J-3/DDSO, Joint Staff Operations Division/Deputy Director for Special Operations
- J-5,Joint Staff Plans Directorate
- J, JC, Jimmy Carter
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JTD, Joint Task Delta
- JTF, Joint Task Force
- JW, Jasper Welch
- KC-135, U.S. aerial refueling aircraft
- Komiteh, self-appointed revolutionary committees that sprang up spontaneously in most neighborhoods of Tehran
- L, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- LDC, less developed country
- LOH, Light Observation Helicopter
- LPH, Amphibious Assault Ship (helicopter); Landing Platform/Helicopter
- MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
- Majles (Majlis),Iranian Parliament
- MB, Marshall Brement
- Mbd, Million barrels per day
- MC-130, Combat Talon, U.S. four-engine fixed-wing special operations military aircraft
- MD, Military District
- MEDEVAC, medical evacuation
- MFA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Mujahidin, Islamic guerrilla fighters; person who wages jihad
- Mujahiddin al-Khalq, People’s Mujahiddin of Iran, Islamic Marxist anti-Shah group founded in 1960s
- NCA, National Command Authority
- NE, Near East
- NEA, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- NEA/IRN, Office of Iranian Affairs (Iran Desk), Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- NEA/IWG, Iran Working Group, Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- NESA, Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency
- NFAC, National Foreign Assessment Center, Central Intelligence Agency
- NIOC, National Iranian Oil Company
- NM, nautical miles
- Noforn, Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals
- NSA, National Security Agency
- NSC, National Security Council
- OECD, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- OER, Office of Economic Research, Central Intelligence Agency
- OJCS, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- OPEC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
- Oplan, operation plan
- OPSDEPS, Service Operations Deputies
- OPSEC, Operational Security
- OSD, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Otter, U.S. low-level research airplane
- P, Office of the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; President
- PACOM, U.S. Pacific Command
- Pasdaran, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
- PD, Presidential Directive
- PDB, President’s Daily Brief
- PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
- PLO, Palestine Liberation Organization
- PN, Panama, Panamanian
- PNG, persona non grata
- PRC, Policy Review Committee
- PRM,Presidential Review Memorandum
- RDF, Rapid Deployment Force
- RDJTF, Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force
- REDCOM, U.S. Readiness Command
- RG, Record Group
- RH-53, U.S. Navy (Marine Corps) Sea Stallion Helicopter
- Rice Bowl, code name of the rescue operation in its planning stages
- RSO, Regional Security Office(r)
- S, Office of the Secretary of State; Secret
- SALT, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
- SAMA, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
- SAR, search and rescue
- SASC, Senate Armed Services Committee
- SATCOM, Satellite Communications
- SAVAK, Farsi language acronym for Iranian National Security and Information Organization (Sazman-i Ittili’at va Amniyat-i Kishvar)
- SAVAMA, Farsi language acronym for Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and National Security (Sazman-E Ettela’at Va Amniat-E Melli-E Iran); replaced SAVAK
- SCC, Special Coordinating Committee
- SDR, Special Drawing Rights, International Monetary Fund
- SEAL, Sea/Air/Land Force, U.S. Navy
- SecGen, Secretary General
- Secto, series indicator for telegrams sent from the Secretary of State
- SFRC, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- SOD, J-3 Special Operations Division, Joint Staff
- SOG, Special Operations Group (Central Intelligence Agency)
- SNOWBIRD, Department of Defense planning for a second rescue operation
- S/P, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- SR-71, Blackbird, U.S. reconnaissance aircraft
- S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
- Stadis, State Department distribution only
- SY, Office of Security, Bureau of Administration, Department of State
- SYG, Secretary General
- T, Tabatabai
- Tabas, Iranian name for Desert One
- TACAIR, tactical air
- TASS, official Soviet news agency
- TS, Top Secret
- Tudeh, Iranian Peoples (Communist) Party
- Twin Otter, codename for reconnaissance flights into Iran to locate what would become Desert One
- U-2, U.S. high-altitude reconnaissance airplane
- UAE, United Arab Emirates
- UN, United Nations
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- UNSC, United Nations Security Council
- UNSYG, United Nations Secretary General
- USG, United States Government
- USNATO, United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- USUN, United States Mission to the United Nations
- V, Hector Villalon
- V&B, Villalon and Bourguet
- VHF, Very High Frequency
- VOA, Voice of America
- VP, Vice President
- WO, William Odom
- Z, Zulu time, Greenwich Mean Time
- ZB, Zbigniew Brzezinski