238. Letter From President Carter to Egyptian Prime Minister Khalil1

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

This will confirm my previous conversation with you2 in which I advised you of discussions with Prime Minister Begin3 concerning the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as follows:

The Prime Minister has assured me that there are and will be no restrictions on the freedom of political expression or on peaceful political activities beyond the routine requirement for a permit which the Government of Israel assures will not be used to restrict such peaceful expression and activity.

The Prime Minister has assured me that there are and will be no restrictions on the freedom of movement of the inhabitants including the freedom to travel abroad, beyond the routine administrative procedures normally required for travel.

The Prime Minister has explained to me, with regard to persons detained without trial, that the British law permitting such detention has been repealed and the principles of the new law will be applied in the West Bank and Gaza and has assured me that all detentions will be subject to judicial supervision and control.

The Prime Minister has assured me that Israeli authorities will continue and make every effort to expand their present program for the reunification of families through the return of persons displaced since 1967.

The Prime Minister has assured me that when the Peace Treaty is signed and ratified he will undertake to obtain Cabinet approval for the transfer of the headquarters of the military government from the city of Gaza to a location outside the city. The Prime Minister also has assured me that in the Gaza Strip, to the extent possible, the Israeli defense forces will not conduct military maneuvers in populated urban and rural areas.


Jimmy Carter
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, P800158–0805. No classification marking.
  2. Reference is to the meeting between the U.S. and Egyptian delegations at the Cairo airport on March 13. See Document 202.
  3. Reference is to the meeting between Carter and Begin on the morning of March 13. See Document 207.