67. Telegram From the Department of State to the White House1

183188. Eyes Only for Dr. Brzezinski. Following repeat USDel Secretary in Damascus Secto 08040 sent action Jidda info SecState 04 Aug 77.

Quote. Secto 08040. For Ambassador From the Secretary. Subj: Formula for PLO Acceptance With Reservations of SC Resolution 242.

1. Please get in touch with Foreign Minister Prince Saud and convey following to him from me.

2. As His Highness will recall, you told him on my behalf that I would want to discuss further with him on my trip the question of PLO acceptance of Resolution 242 with reservations about its treatment of Palestinians only as refugees. His Highness had kindly offered to be helpful in this regard.

3. Following is a suggested formula which I look forward to discussing with Prince Saud when we meet. Quote The PLO accepts UNSC Resolution 242, with the reservation that it considers that the resolution does not make adequate reference to the question of the Palestinians. It is recognized that the language of Resolution 242 relates to the right of all states in the Middle East to live in peace. Unquote. While text does not mention Israel by name, it would be understood by PLO that phrase “all states in the Middle East” includes Israel.

4. You should also tell Saud that we found interest in this subject in Cairo and Damascus and discussed above formula with President Sadat and Assad,2 who may be taking it up themselves with PLO. We would have no objection if His Highness wished to do the same.



  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, N770004–0591. Secret; Immediate; Nodis; Cherokee. Drafted and approved by Peter Tarnoff.
  2. See Documents 65 and 68.