193. Letter From President Carter to Israeli Prime Minister Begin1

Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

You have been often in my thoughts these past weeks since our meeting in Washington.2 I have referred back many times to our personal conversations in my recent efforts to further our mutual purpose of bringing the Middle East nearer to real peace. I hope we can both now turn to the task and the opportunity still before us. Mutual friendship and trust, and our shared purposes can surmount any remaining differences. This seems the moment, therefore, to share with you what is in my mind as we approach the moment for great and perhaps historical decisions in the Jerusalem meetings.

Through Ambassador Lewis, I tried to keep you fully informed of my recent discussions with President Sadat and other leaders in the Middle East. I came home impressed by their spirit of realism, of compromise, of a deep desire for peace on which we must now build. Some of the public comments in recent days have reflected the pressures and stresses that, understandably, you and President Sadat are feeling with long held convictions and important interests at issue. I am confident, nonetheless, that the mutual respect and good will which you and President Sadat have achieved can withstand these stresses.

You know of my admiration for the vision and the sense of history with which you and President Sadat have responded to this extraordinary opportunity. I appreciate, also, the depth of feeling with which you and your countrymen must, understandably, confront decisions so fundamental and so vital to security and to peace for Israel. Yet, I am equally confident that the leadership you are providing will lead Israel to real peace, and to the security that only peace can provide.

Secretary Vance will share with you my appraisal of how, building on the base of understanding you and President Sadat have created, we hope it will now be possible for the Foreign Ministers at Jerusalem to move together to settle the remaining differences. I know that this will call for fundamental and far-reaching decisions by both of you, even beyond the impressive steps you have already taken. Yet I have faith that you and President Sadat have, in rare measure in our generation, the wisdom and courage required. Cy Vance stands ready to work with you, and he will of course be in daily touch with me. We are privileged [Page 933] to be associated with you in this great opportunity to bring peace and security to Israel and her neighbors.


Jimmy Carter
  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, President’s Correspondence with Foreign Leaders File, Box 9, Israel: Prime Minister Menachim Begin 11/77 to 6/78. No classification marking.
  2. See Documents 177 and 178.