June–December 1977

29. Letter From President Carter to Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev

Source: Carter Library, Plains File, President’s Personal Foreign Affairs File, Box 5, USSR (SALT), 2–12/77. No classification marking.

30. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, BrezhnevCarter, 6/30/77. Confidential; Cherokee; Niact Immediate; Nodis.

31. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Office, Outside the System File, Box 48, Chron: 6/77. Top Secret. The meeting took place at the White House.

32. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to President Carter

Source: Carter Library, Brzezinski Donated Material, Subject File, Box 41, Weekly Reports (to the President), 16–30: (6/77–9/77). Top Secret; Sensitive. Carter wrote, “Good. C” in the upper right-hand corner of the memorandum.

33. Memorandum From Robert Hunter of the National Security Council Staff to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski)

Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 78, USSR: 6/77. Secret; Outside the System. Sent for information.

34. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, Brezhnev/Toon Meeting, 7/5/77. Secret; Cherokee; Niact Immediate; Nodis.

35. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, Brezhnev/Toon Meeting, 7/5/77. Secret; Cherokee; Niact Immediate; Nodis.

36. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, MDSDobrynin, 7/8/77. Secret; Nodis. Drafted by Shulman. The meeting took place at the Department of State.

37. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union

Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Cables File, State Department Out, Box 107, 7/77. Secret; Sensitive; Priority; Nodis; Noforn. Sent for information Priority to the White House for Brzezinski.

38. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to Vice President Mondale

Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Country File, Box 78, USSR: 7/77. Secret. In the upper right corner, an unknown hand wrote, “dispatched 7/19 10:30.”

39. Memorandum Prepared in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 12, US-Soviet Relations, 1977. Secret. Prepared by Isabel Kulski and approved by Martha Mautner, both of INR. In the upper right corner of the first page, an unknown hand wrote, “Advance copy from INR, 8/77.”

40. Paper Prepared in the Central Intelligence Agency

Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, General Odom File, Box 2, Brzezinski, Zbigniew: 6/77–12/78. Secret. The paper’s forward and conclusions are printed; its main text was not found attached. This paper is included in an overview prepared by the NSC and distributed to select Cabinet members on August 26, along with briefing papers prepared by the Departments of State and Treasury and the Central Intelligence Agency, for the August 31 meeting with the Policy Review Committee (see Document 46). A copy of the complete paper is in the Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Office, Institutional File, Box 29, INT Documents: #5600s: 8–9/77.

41. Memorandum From William Hyland of the National Security Council Staff to President Carter

Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Office, Outside the System File, Box 48, Chron: 8/77. Secret; Sensitive.

42. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union

Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D840076–0457. Secret; Cherokee; Immediate; Nodis. Drafted by Mark Garrison (EUR/SOV); cleared by Tarnoff; approved by Christopher.

43. Telegram From the Department of State to the White House

Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Brzezinski Material, Cables File, State Department Out, Box 107, 8/16–20/77. Secret; Sensitive; Cherokee; Immediate; Eyes Only; Nodis. This telegram was sent for “action Moscow from State Aug 19.”

44. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Carter Library, Brzezinski Donated Material, Subject File, Box 38, SALT—(3/77–8/77). Secret. Drafted by Shulman on August 23. An unknown hand wrote, “W. Hyland FYI.” in the upper right-hand corner of the memorandum.

45. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, DobryninVance, 8/29/77. Secret; Nodis. Drafted by Shulman on August 29.

46. Summary of Conclusions and Minutes of a Policy Review Committee Meeting

Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Office, Institutional File, Box 29, INT Documents: #5800s: 9/77. Secret. The meeting took place in the White House Situation Room.

47. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Carter Library, Brzezinski Donated Material, Subject File, Box 38, SALT—(9/1/77–9/15/77). Secret. Drafted by Shulman. Brzezinski wrote in the upper-right corner, “DA Your info. ZB.” The luncheon meeting took place in the Secretary’s Dining Room on the 8th floor of the Department of State.

48. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, DobryninVance, 9/13/77. Secret. Drafted by Shulman on September 14. The meeting took place in Vance’s office at the Department of State.

49. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Carter Library, Brzezinski Donated Material, Subject File, Box 38, SALT—9/1/77–9/15/77. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Shulman on September 16. The meeting took place in Vance’s office at the Department of State.

52. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, DobryninVance, 10/17/77. Secret; Nodis. Drafted by Shulman on October 18; approved by Anderson on October 31. The meeting took place at the Department of State. Part I of IV; parts II and III are printed as Documents 53 and 54. Part IV is not printed; see footnote 1, Document 54.

53. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, DobryninVance, 10/17/77. Secret; Nodis. Drafted by Shulman; approved by Anderson on October 31. The meeting took place at the Department of State. Part II of IV; parts I and III are printed as Documents 52 and 54. Part IV is not printed; see footnote 1, Document 54.

54. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Office Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, DobryninVance, 10/17/77. Secret; Nodis. Drafted by Shulman on October 18; approved by Anderson on October 31. The meeting took place at the Department of State. Part III of IV; parts I and II are printed as Documents 52 and 53. Part IV, which addresses the Governors’ Exchange, is in Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, DobryninVance Meeting, 10/17/77.

55. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, CV–Dobrynin, 10/22/77. Secret. Drafted by Shulman on October 25. The meeting took place at the Department of State.

56. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, CV–Dobrynin, 10/31/77. Secret; Nodis. Drafted by Shulman. The meeting took place at the Department of State. Part II is Document 57.

57. Memorandum of Conversation

Source: Department of State, Office of the Secretariat Staff, Special Adviser to the Secretary (S/MS) on Soviet Affairs Marshall Shulman—Jan 21, 77–Jan 19, 81, Lot 81D109, Box 3, CV–Dobrynin, 10/31/77. Secret. The meeting took place at the Department of State. Part I is Document 56.

58. Letter From President Carter to Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev

Source: Carter Library, National Security Affairs, Staff Material, Office, Outside the System File, Box 69, USSR: BrezhnevCarter Correspondence: 6–12/77. No classification marking. In telegram 264784, November 5, the Department transmitted the text of the President’s letter.