36. Telegram 57208 From the Department of State to the Embassies in the Soviet Union and Austria1
57208. Subj: Venting of Underground Explosions.
1. Asst. Secretary Hartman called in Soviet Minister Counselor Vorontsov on March 21 to give him the following aide mémoire. Begin quote.
The United States has collected outside of the Soviet Union radioactive material directly associated with the Soviet nuclear explosions of September 12 and October 27, 1973.
In view of paragraph 1 (B) of Article I of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water, the United States wishes to draw the attention of the Government of the Soviet Union to this matter and to the importance of due precautions [Page 86] to assure compliance with that treaty. The United States considers these incidents to be most regrettable because of the relatively large amounts of radioactive material collected outside the Soviet Union and because ventings of radioactive material outside Soviet borders continue to occur year after year.
Over the years the U.S. has developed increasingly effective measures to reduce the possibility of leakages of radioactive material from underground nuclear explosions. During the past few years we have taken even more rigorous precautions, and these measures have proved especially effective. The United States Government would welcome any pertinent information the Soviet Government could offer about these two incidents and the recurrence of ventings of radioactive material outside Soviet borders. End quote.
2. In commenting on the points contained in the aide mémoire, Hartman said that we wish to stress continued support for the Limited Test Ban Treaty and stated that the U.S. and USSR as principal nuclear powers should do their best to uphold the treaty. Vorontsov said that he would transmit the aide mémoire to his authorities and that a reply would be provided in due course.
Summary: The Department reported that Hartman had delivered an aide-mémoire regarding the venting of radioactive material outside of Soviet borders to Soviet Minister-Counselor Vorontsov on March 21. Hartman, also underscored U.S. support for the Limited Test Ban Treaty.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D740061–0426. Confidential. Drafted by George Humphrey (EUR/SOV); cleared by Matlock (EUR/SOV) and Armitage; approved by Hartman. Repeated to Moscow and Vienna, and for information to USUN, the Mission in Geneva, and the Mission to the IAEA at Vienna.