184. Editorial Note
In a March 25, 1976 memorandum to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Counselor of the Department of State Helmut Sonnenfeldt recounted his most recent conversation with Soviet Minister Counselor Yuli Vorontsov. Sonnenfeldt indicated that, during a segment of the conversation, they discussed the ongoing peaceful nuclear explosion negotiations:
“I then said that the PNE talks were going nowhere fast and it looks like March 31 will come and go without agreement. Vorontsov said this will require some diplomatic action with respect to the TTBT. I said we were considering how to handle the passing of the originally envisaged effective date for the TTBT.
“Vorontsov asked whether we were yet ready to consult on their broader proposal on mass destruction weapons. I said this remains under study but I personally found it hard to get my teeth into the concept. Vorontsov said they were interested in our ideas, as Korniyenko had told Stoessel and he, Vorontsov had mentioned to you. I said the matter remained under study.
“Vorontsov asked whether we would have any further response on their proposals for a comprehensive test ban. I said I thought Iklé had given him our views, which remained as they were.” (National Archives, RG 59, Records of the Office of the Counselor: Lot 81D286, Box 7, Soviet Union, Jan–April 1976)
The memorandum is printed in full in Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, volume XVI, Soviet Union, August 1974–November 1976, as Document 276.